kubinyete / getnet-edi
A simple yet useful EDI parser for Getnet, a brazillian payment acquirer institution
- kubinyete/edi-php: ^1.0
- psr/log: ^1|^2|^3
- symfony/polyfill-php80: ^1.0
- symfony/polyfill-php81: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^10.5
- symfony/var-dumper: ^6.4
pt-BR: Uma biblioteca simples e direta para carregar arquivos EDI da adquirente Getnet
en-US: A straightfoward library for loading EDI files from Getnet
NOTA: Este guia está primariamente em inglês, caso haja necessidade, será adicionado uma versão em pt-BR no futuro.
This package is still work-in-progress, there are plans for adding better support for document reading by providing indexing and class bindings to directly access those entries, for now we have only provided the basic parser & document wrapper, providing the necessary means for line-by-line sequential reading.
Let's start by requiring the package by running the following command
composer require kubinyete/getnet-edi
Basic line-by-line parsing
Provides a basic document class for opening a EDI text-file
// Opening a new document (version 10.1) $document = Kubinyete\Edi\Getnet\Document\Document::open('./sample/getnetextr_20240418_0000000_c101.txt'); // Sequential reading while ($row = $document->next()) { // Current line number that has been read $lineNumber = $document->currentLineNumber(); // Current line contents that has been read $lineContent = $document->currentLine(); // What type/class we got after parsing it. $parsedType = get_class($row); echo "Current line {$lineNumber}: '{$lineContent}'" . PHP_EOL; echo "Parsed content ($parsedType): " . json_encode($row, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . PHP_EOL; // @NOTE: This is only a sample code for visualizing each entry that has been parsed }
The above code will output:
Current line 1: '01804202407321018042024CEADM1000000000 00000000000000GETNET S.A. 000000001GSSANT. V.10.1 400 BYTES ' Parsed content (Kubinyete\Edi\Getnet\Registry\Header): { "registryType": 0, "fileCreationDate": { "date": "2024-04-18 07:32:10.000000", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo" }, "movementReferenceDate": { "date": "2024-04-18 00:00:00.000000", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo" }, "fileVersion": "CEADM100", "establishmentCode": "0000000", "acquirerDocument": "00000000000000", "acquirerName": "GETNET S.A.", "sequenceNumber": 1, "acquirerCode": "GS", "layoutVersion": "SANT. V.10.1 400 BYTES", "_padding": "" }
Type reference
Quick type reference for each registry type and associated baseline version.
We advice only to expect the associated registry interface, and not its defined type, this will prevent any breaking change from affecting your application immediately (Ex: Name changes, value type changes, and so on)
If there are any changes that are not retrocompatible, a new type or associated interface will be used for that functionality.
Type | Version | Registry type | Interface |
0 | >=10.1 | Kubinyete\Edi\Getnet\Registry\Header | HeaderInterface |
1 | >=10.1 | Kubinyete\Edi\Getnet\Registry\TransactionalSummary | TransactionalSummaryInterface |
2 | >=10.1 | Kubinyete\Edi\Getnet\Registry\TransactionalAnalytic | TransactionalAnalyticInterface |
3 | >=10.1 | Kubinyete\Edi\Getnet\Registry\FinantialAdjustment | FinantialAdjustmentInterface |
4 | - | - | - |
5 | >=10.1 | Kubinyete\Edi\Getnet\Registry\FinantialSummary | - |
6 | >=10.1 | Kubinyete\Edi\Getnet\Registry\FinantialDetail | - |
9 | >=10.1 | Kubinyete\Edi\Getnet\Registry\Trailer | TrailerInterface |
Registry types
Functionality interface | Signature |
HeaderInterface | getFileCreationDate(): DateTimeInterface |
HeaderInterface | getMovementReferenceDate(): DateTimeInterface |
HeaderInterface | getFileVersion(): string |
HeaderInterface | getEstablishmentCode(): string |
HeaderInterface | getAcquirerDocument(): string |
HeaderInterface | getAcquirerName(): string |
HeaderInterface | getSequenceNumber(): int |
HeaderInterface | getAcquirerCode(): string |
HeaderInterface | getLayoutVersion(): string |
Functionality interface | Signature |
TrailerInterface | getRegistryQuantity(): int |
Functionality interface | Signature |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getRegistryType(): int |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getEstablishmentCode(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getSalesSummaryNumber(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getSalesSummaryDate(): DateTimeInterface |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getSalesSummaryPaymentDate(): DateTimeInterface |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getAdjustmentId(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getWhiteSpace(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getAdjustmentSignal(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getAdjustmentAmount(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getAdjustmentReasonCode(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getLetterDate(): DateTimeInterface |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getCardNumber(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getSalesSummaryNumberOriginal(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getAcquirerNsu(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getTransactionDateOriginal(): DateTimeInterface |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getPaymentTypeIndicator(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getTerminalCodeOriginal(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getPaymentDateOriginal(): DateTimeInterface |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getCurrencyCode(): int |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getSaleComissionAmount(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getMetadataContentType(): string |
FinantialAdjustmentInterface | getMetadata(): string |
Functionality interface | Signature |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getRegistryType(): int |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getEstablishmentCode(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getProductCode(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getCaptureSignature(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getSalesSummaryNumber(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getSalesSummaryDate(): DateTimeInterface |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getSalesSummaryPaymentDate(): DateTimeInterface |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getBankCode(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getBankAgency(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getCheckingAccount(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getSalesAcceptedQuantity(): int |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getSalesRejectedQuantity(): int |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getGrossAmount(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getAmount(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getFareAmount(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getDiscountRateAmount(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getTotalRejectedAmount(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getTotalCreditAmount(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getChargesAmount(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getPaymentTypeIndicator(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getSalesSummaryInstallment(): int |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getSalesSummaryInstallments(): int |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getEstablishmentCodeOrigin(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getAnticipationOperationNumber(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getDueDateOriginal(): DateTimeInterface |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getOperationCost(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getSalesSummaryAnticipationAmount(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getChargeControlNumber(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getChargeAmount(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getCompensationId(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getCurrencyCode(): int |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getChargeWriteOffIdentifier(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getTransactionAdjustmentSignal(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getAccountTypeForPayment(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getAccountNumberForPayment(): string |
TransactionalSummaryInterface | getReceivableUnitId(): string |
Functionality interface | Signature |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getRegistryType(): int |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getEstablishmentCode(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getSalesSummaryNumber(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getAcquirerNsu(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getTransactionDate(): DateTimeInterface |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getCardNumber(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getTransactionAmount(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getWithdrawalAmount(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getBoardingTaxAmount(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getInstallments(): int |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getInstallment(): int |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getInstallmentAmount(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getPaymentDate(): DateTimeInterface |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getAuthorizationCode(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getCaptureMethod(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getTransactionStatus(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getEstablishmentCodeOrigin(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getTerminalCode(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getCurrencyCode(): int |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getCardIssuerOrigin(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getTransactionAdjustmentSignal(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getDigitalWallet(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getSaleComissionAmount(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getMetadataContentType(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getMetadata(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getMetadata2ContentType(): string |
TransactionalAnalyticInterface | getMetadata2(): string |