
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

JSON encode/decode wrapper with catchable exceptions

v0.1 2018-06-14 08:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-06-20 19:17:03 UTC


Build Status Coveralls StyleCI

A json_encode/decode wrapper with specific, catchable exceptions.


composer require ksmz/json

Basic Usage

use ksmz\json\Json;

Json::encode(['foo' => 'bar']);


All exceptions extend from ksmz\json\Exceptions\JsonException.

try {
} catch (RecursionException $exception) {
    // Specific exception
} catch (JsonException $exception) {
    // All possible exceptions

Error codes and messages can be retrieved from the corresponding exception ($e->getMessage()/$e->getCode()). Codes correspond to their respective error constants.

For messages, exceptions with use messages identical to what json_last_error_msg() might return. Check out the php-src for examples.

Available Exceptions

public static $errors = [
    JSON_ERROR_DEPTH                 => DepthException::class,
    JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH        => InvalidJsonException::class,
    JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR             => ControlCharacterException::class,
    JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX                => SyntaxException::class,
    JSON_ERROR_UTF8                  => Utf8Exception::class,
    JSON_ERROR_UTF16                 => Utf16Exception::class,
    JSON_ERROR_RECURSION             => RecursionException::class,
    JSON_ERROR_INF_OR_NAN            => InfOrNanException::class,
    JSON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE      => UnsupportedTypeException::class,
    JSON_ERROR_INVALID_PROPERTY_NAME => InvalidPropertyNameException::class,

Some exceptions are self explantory, and some are a little vague. Check out the tests for some examples. All exception tests use the same "inputs" as what PHP internally uses to test ext-json.