
Plates extension. Insert content into sections.

v1.1 2021-05-19 12:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-28 02:17:44 UTC


Plates Extension: Easily insert sections into Plates templates.

This package is an extension for the template engine Plates.

Define sections content in diferent templates and just insert them into any template. Now it's easy to do it from the controller.


Define different sections in your template:

template.php file in templates folder

<div id='div_header'><?= $this->section('up_section') ?></div><hr />
<?= $this->section('content') ?>
<hr /><div id='div_footer'><?= $this->section('bottom_section') ?></div>

As allways, you can define another template and use the first one as a layout, so it will be inserted in the content section:

othertemplate.php file in templates folder

<?php $this->layout('template.php'); ?>
This is the main body of other template

Define sections contents in different template files so you can use them later in any template:

welcome.php file in templates folder

Hello <?= $name ?>

bybye.php file in templates folder


Now we put it together. From inside the controller (index.php file in this case) we can set the content of a section. Remember you can not render before having set the sections content, so the way to do it is:

  • make the template
  • setSectionContent of all the sections you want
  • render finally render the template

index.php file

include "vendor/autoload.php";
use League\Plates\Engine;
use Kros\PlatesSectionsInsertion\SectionsInsertion;
$engine = new Engine('route/to/templates');
$engine->loadExtension(new SectionsInsertion());

$t = $engine->make('othertemplate'); /* make the template
$t->setSectionContent('up_section', 'welcome', ['name'=>'John Doe']); // set content for 'header_section' section (with params)
$t->setSectionContent('bottom_section', 'bybye'); // set content for 'bottom_section' (without params)
echo $t->render(); // finally render the template

You can even push or unshift the content of a section from inside the controller using the pushSectionContent and unshiftSectionContent methods:

$t->pushSectionContent('up_section', 'welcome', ['name'=>'Mary May']); // push the new content for 'up_section' section behind the actual content.
$t->unshiftSectionContent('bottom_section', 'bybye'); // unshift the new content for 'bottom_section' section before the actual content.


composer require kros/plates-sections-insertion


Stand alone extension.

See composer.json file.


GNU General Public License v3.0 (see the LICENSE file for details).