
Akeneo Currency Conversion is a module that allows you to convert one currency price to another currency based on the currency rates and process updated prices across products.

v1.0.3 2021-09-03 14:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:47:29 UTC


Akeneo Currency Conversion is a module that allows you to convert one currency price to another currency based on the currency rates and process updated prices across products.

There is an option Currency converter configuration inside the Akeneo Settings menu. Inside the configuration, you can set currency rates and select the base currency for currency rate conversion.

You can update the currency rates manually as well as using currency API.

For now, we are providing the support for the two currency rates APIs as given below:

  1. Fixer Io(
  2. Currency Converter API(

For this, you just need to get your APIs and setup in the configuration and then you can fetch the currency rates.

Installation instructions

  • First, install the package with the following command.
composer require krishtechnolabs/akeneo-currency-rate-conversion
  • Register the module in the config/bundles.php
KTPL\CurrencyRateConversionBundle\CurrencyRateConversionBundle::class => ['all' => true],
  • Now that you have activated and configured the bundle, now all you need to do is import the AkeneCurrencyRateConversionBundleoTrashBundle routing files.
# config/routes/ktpl_currency_conversion.yml
    resource: "@CurrencyRateConversionBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix: /
  • Now, run the below command from the terminal from the installation directory.
php bin/console ca:cl && php bin/console ktpl:install:currency-rate-conversion

How to use it

  • After installation of the connector, you will see Currency converter configuration navigation inside Akeneo settings menu.

  • Now, click on the Currency converter configuration navigation and here you need to set the base currency and the currency rates. Akeneo Currency Conversion Menu

  • Also, you can fetch the updated currency using the currency APIs Akeneo Currency Conversion Import Currency Rates Akeneo Currency Conversion Setup Apis

  • Now, you just need to click on the EXECUTE CURRENCY CONVERSION button that's it. This process will automatically save the updated price value in the products. Akeneo Currency Conversion Execute Currency Conversion