
Simple HTTP client for PHP

dev-main 2023-07-22 12:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 13:55:28 UTC



composer require krishnan/http-client

Import class

use Krishnan\Http\Http;

GET request

$url    = "";
$data   = [ 'postId' => 1 ];

$response = HTTP::get( $url, $data );

POST request

$url    = "";
$data   = [ 'title' => 'This is post title' ];

$response = HTTP::post( $url, $data );

More options

$response = HTTP::get( $url, $data, $headers, $curlOptions );
$response = HTTP::post( $url, $data, $headers, $curlOptions );

Useful methods

$response->getStatusCode(); // to get response code
$response->getHeaders(); // to get all headers as array
$response->getHeader($name); // to get specific header
$response->getBody(); // to get raw response body
$response->getJson(); // to get body as assoc array
$response->getObject(); // to get body as object


This repository is a clone of Kudos to the original builder to build a very simple and efficient http client which can be easily understood and implemented by even a new programmer. I have cloned it as I will be making some changes for my projects.