
Order Status

1.0.4 2024-02-15 02:29 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-30 06:10:00 UTC


Github code About Snippets Commandline Sign in with Google 677 stars 200 forks

Search for snippet General Vendor name Kowal Module name OrderStatus License GPL V3 Copyright kowal sp zoo Description Order Status Api0 Block0 Cache0 Category Attribute0 Company Attribute (Magento Commerce)0 Component0 Configuration Type0 Console Command0 Controller0 Crongroup0 Cronjob0 Customer Attribute0 Customer(Section) Data0 EAV Entity0 EAV Attribute (custom)0 GraphQl Endpoint0 GraphQl Url Locator0 Helper0 Language0 Model0 Observer / Event0 PageBuilder Content Type0 Payment Method0 Plugin0 Preference / Rewrite0 Product Attribute0 Product Type0 Router0 Sales Attribute0 Shipping Method0 System / Config / Setting0 Unit Test0 Viewmodel0 Widget0 Coming soon! GraphQl UrlResolver Category Attribute through Patch Webapi Async/ Bulk Custom Total Easy Email currently 'System / Config / Setting' Snippet with field type 'select' and source model 'Email Template' General Generate module for: Magento 2.3 (EOL) Previous saved Magento 2 modules Login to save and load generated modules. Preview Magento 2 module Generated files (click a file to view its contents. Live reloads)

app/code/Kowal/OrderStatus README.md LICENSE.txt composer.json COPYING.txt registration.php etc module.xml Experius AdExperius Ad × README.md app/code/Kowal/OrderStatus README.md LICENSE.txt composer.json COPYING.txt registration.php etc module.xml

Mage2 Module Kowal OrderStatus


Main Functionalities

Order Status


Type 1: Zip file

  • Unzip the zip file in app/code/Kowal
  • Enable the module by running php bin/magento module:enable Kowal_OrderStatus
  • Apply database updates by running php bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated
  • Flush the cache by running php bin/magento cache:flush

Type 2: Composer

  • Make the module available in a composer repository for example:
    • private repository repo.magento.com
    • public repository packagist.org
    • public github repository as vcs
  • Add the composer repository to the configuration by running composer config repositories.repo.magento.com composer https://repo.magento.com/
  • Install the module composer by running composer require kowal/module-orderstatus
  • enable the module by running php bin/magento module:enable Kowal_OrderStatus
  • apply database updates by running php bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated
  • Flush the cache by running php bin/magento cache:flush




Sitemap About Snippets Github code Tutorial / explanation Snippets information Api Block Cache Categoryattribute Companyattribute Component Configurationtype Console Controller Cronjob Customerattribute Eaventity Eaventityattribute Graphql Helper Install Language Model Observer Payment Plugin Preference Productattribute Producttype Salesattribute Shipping System Unittest Viewmodel Widget About Mage2Gen Mage2Gen is an easy to use open source module generator for Magento 2. With the extensive interface the user can easily generate base code for a Magento 2 module.

The following parts can be generated by Mage2Gen: controllers, models, blocks, template files, plugins (the new rewrites), observer, console scripts and product attributes. Even more will be added in future updates.

Once logged in, you can save all of the generated modules. This enables you to go back to a module and generate a part that you possibly forgot when you initially created the module.

When the module is complete, you can download it as a zipfile or immediately install it with the provided wget shell command!

Supporting Mage2Gen You can help Mage2Gen by reporting bugs, suggesting features, sharing it with others or by creating a pull request with fixes or features.

If you want to create you own snippet, check out this blog how to create a Mage2Gen snippet.

I generate your code so Generate me a coffee Generate me a coffee