
Package to create simple flexible DTOs

1.0.0 2023-04-20 17:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 22:58:20 UTC


License: MIT

Package to create simple&flexible DTOs - just magic :)

Create DTOs 'on the fly'

How to use

Create and extend class by AbstractDTO.. and this is all! You can define properties, but you don't have to.

Example class:

use Kosmcode\SimpleDto\AbstractDTO;

 * @method bool getExistsField()
 * @method self setExistsField(bool $value)
class ExampleDTO extends AbstractDTO


$exampleDTO = (new ExampleDTO())

// true

// true

// false


// true

// yes!

If the logic of any of magic methods doesn't suit you - just overwrite it ;)

abstract class \Kosmcode\SimpleDto\AbstractDTO {
    protected function getFieldValue(string $methodName): mixed
    protected function setFieldValue(string $methodName, mixed $value): self
    protected function isFieldValue(string $methodName): bool
    protected function hasFieldValue(string $methodName): bool