
Decorators and helpers for console applications based on Yii 1.* framework

v0.2.2 2016-06-17 23:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 19:04:12 UTC


Component for Yii 1.* framework that helps to make console application more interactive and pretty for less time.


  1. Yii framework >= 1.1.9
  2. PHP >= 5.5


The simplest and fastest way for receive all functionality is to extend console commands in your applications from \ReachCli\ConsoleCommand base class. This class contains everything from this package.

Most of provided functionality is divided to separate and independent traits that are located under ./src/ReachCli/ConsoleCommandTraits directory and \ReachCli\ConsoleCommandTraits namespace. You can choose and use any of them in any combination.

If you need all traits, but you don't want to extend from \ReachCli\ConsoleCommand base class, you can find all traits combined into one \ReachCli\ConsoleCommandTraits\AllTogether for easier include to projects.


In all examples RCli means \ReachCli\RCli class, and $this means instance of object that extends \ReachCli\ConsoleCommand class.

Output messages

    // Message
    RCli::msg('Message text', RCli::FONT_RED)
    $this->msg('Message text', RCli::FONT_RED);

    // Message with line ending
    RCli::line('Message text', RCli::FONT_RED)
    $this->line('Message text', RCli::FONT_RED);

    // Horizontal line
    RCli::hr('*', RCli::FONT_BLUE);

    // Header
    RCli::header('Message text');
    $this->header('Message text');
    $this->header('Message text', RCli::FONT_RED, RCli::FONT_BLUE);

    // Message with some status
    $this->status('Good news', true);
    $this->status('Bad news', false);
    $this->status('Status with some value', true, 300);

Interact with user

    // Ask user for question with binary answer
    $userReply = $this->confirm("Do you want to launch rocket to Mars?", RCli::FONT_YELLOW);

    // Ask user for question with custom answer
    $userReply = $this->prompt("Please enter new password", RCli::FONT_BLUE);

	// Ask user for one of predefined answers
    $answers = [ 'banana', 'apple', 'strawberry', 'stone',];
    $userReply = $this->listSelect($answers, 'Please select most tasteless thing', 'apple');

Help for console command that is generated using PHPDoc annotations

Use trait ReachCli\ConsoleCommandTraits\Help to use this functionality separately. See ReachCli\Examples\HelpCommand for example.

    // Include trait
	use \ReachCli\ConsoleCommandTraits\Help;

	// Optional Set default action to 'help'
	public $defaultAction = 'help';

	// Or use this everywhere you want
	echo $this->getHelp();

Receive command, actions and parameters description, generated from command class structure and it's PHPDoc

 Class HelpCommand. This command shows functionality of automatic help generation.

	Available actions:

	message - Print message.

	repeatMessage - Print one message many times.
		--message=value	many times
		[--repeat=3]	Times to repeat message

	help [default]  - Default action - show command help.

Errors and warnings

Use trait ReachCli\ConsoleCommandTraits\ErrorWarning to use this functionality separately.

    $this->warning('Please try one more time');
    $this->error('Thank you Mario, but your princess is in another castle!');

Count different events and prints statistic for this events

Use trait ReachCli\ConsoleCommandTraits\Statistic to use this functionality separately.

    // Remember "Event 1"
    $this->inc('Event 1');
    // Remember "Event 2" for 3 times
    $this->inc('Event 2', 3);

    // Print statistic

Command execution timers

Use trait ReachCli\ConsoleCommandTraits\Timer to use this functionality separately. See ReachCli\Examples\TimerCommand for example.

    $this->beginTimer(); // Start timer
    // ... Do something, maybe iteration of some cycle
    print "Execution time" . $this->stopTimer(); // Get iteration time

    print "Command total execution time" . $this->getExecutionTime();