
Namespace Autoloader for Drupal 7.x.

dev-master 2014-03-27 12:44 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 13:58:40 UTC


Drupal 7.x module which autoloads your modules namespaced classes.

Build Status


  • Drupal 7.x
  • PHP 5.3.3+


Download the module

The recommended way to install Nsautoload is with Composer. Just add the following to your composer.json:

   	   "minimum-stability": "dev",
	   "require": {
		   "korstiaan/nsautoload": "dev-master"

Now update Composer and install the newly added requirement and its dependencies:

$ php composer.phar update korstiaan/nsautoload

If all went well and composer/installers did its job, Nsautoload was installed to modules/nsautoload. If you don't want it there, or it's not part of your Drupal rootdir, symlink it to your folder of choice.

Using Composer

Using Composer means including its autoloader. Add the following to your Drupals settings.php:

// /path/to/sites/default/settings.php

require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

2. Use composer_loader

Just follow its readme.

Enable Nsautoload

There are 2 ways to enable Nsautoload:

1. Add a few lines to settings.php (recommended)

Add the following to your project's settings.php:

// /path/to/sites/default/settings.php

use Nsautoload\Nsautoload;

$loader = new Nsautoload();

2. Enable it as a Drupal module.

Go to site/all/modules and enable it on http://yourdomain.com/admin/modules/list. (If you're using voiture just add nsautoload to cnf/shared/modules.php)


In order for Nsautoload to be able to find your classes some conventions have to be followed:

Naming your namespace

Your namespace must be the name of your module with an under_score to CamelCase conversion. For example:

  • my_module has namespace MyModule
  • my_foo_module has namespace MyFooModule
  • mymodule has namespace Mymodule

Location of your classes

Two conventions can be used for this, one following the PSR-0 standard, and a more Drupal'ish convention:

1. PSR-0

This one completely follows the PSR-0 standard, for example:

  • MyModule\Foo is located at /path/to/my_module/MyModule/Foo.php
  • Mymodule\Foo\Bar is located at /path/to/mymodule/Mymodule/Foo/Bar.php
  • Mymodule\Foo\Bar_Crux is located at /path/to/mymodule/Mymodule/Foo/Bar/Crux.php

2. Drupal-style (deprecated)

When this convention is followed, a class is located at module_name/class/_class_.class.inc. Only a 2 level namespace can be used. Examples:

  • MyModule\Foo is located at /path/to/my_module/class/foo.class.inc
  • MyModule\Foo_Bar is located at /path/to/my_module/class/foo_bar.class.inc
  • MyModule\Foo\Bar can't be mapped with this convention.

This convention also adds another namespace naming strategy for BC purposes. Next to a under_score to CamelCase conversion, it also allows you to randomly add capitals in your namespace. This allows the following mapping:

  • MyOldModule\Foo to /path/to/myoldmodule/class/foo.class.inc

APC caching

In order to cache Nsautoload's autoload map you can wrap it into Symfony's ApcClassLoader.

First add Symfony's ClassLoader component to your composer.json:

	   "require": {
		   "symfony/class-loader": "dev-master"

Install it:

$ php composer.phar update symfony/class-loader

Then change your project's settings.php Nsautoload lines to look like this:

// /path/to/sites/default/settings.php

use Nsautoload\Nsautoload;

$loader    = new Nsautoload();
$apcLoader = new Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\ApcClassLoader(md5(__DIR__), $loader);

And you're done!


Nsautoload is licensed under the MIT license.