
v1.3.4 2018-02-14 09:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 01:46:04 UTC


This library provides a convient interface for email verification with emaillistverify in PHP.


Install via composer: composer require korra88/email-list-verify-api-php-client. Or download in your project and include the two files in src/ directory.


First obtain an api key by registering in emailistverify, creating an application, and set it in the constructor.

// composer autoloader
require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
$emailVerify = new EmailListVerify\APIClient(YOUR_API_KEY);

Then you can either can verify emails one by one with:

$email = "your_email@example.com";
try {
    $status = $emailVerify->verifyEmail($email);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "\n" . $e->getMessage();
    $status = false;
echo "\n{$email} status: " . ($status ? 'valid' : 'invalid')

Or upload a file with a list of emails in a csv-like format:

$email_file_path = __DIR__ . '/email_list.csv';
$email_file_name = 'test_emails.csv';
try {
    $file_id = $emailVerify->verifyApiFile($email_file_name, $email_file_path);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "\n" . $e->getMessage();
echo "\nCreated file {$file_id}.";

and monitor it's status with:

try {
    $file_info = $emailVerify->getApiFileInfo($file_id);
echo "\nFile status: {$file_info->status}";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "\n" . $e->getMessage();

When status is finished you can download the file (using $file_info->link2) and read results.

Official documentation

More information can be found in official documentation here.