
Validate CSRF token via annotation

0.4.2 2016-12-22 08:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-26 20:32:16 UTC


  • PHP >=5.5
  • KrtvCsrfValidatorBundle's 0.4.x compatible with symfony (>=2.7 versions).
  • Doctrine is required


  • Add extra annotation for auto validation CSRF-tokens to your controller actions

Installation and configuration:

Pretty simple with Composer, add:

    "require": {
        "korotovsky/csrf-validator-bundle": "0.4.*"

For latest version (UNSTABLE) use

    "require": {
        "korotovsky/csrf-validator-bundle": "~0.4.0@dev"

Configuration example

  • No specific configuration is needed!

Add KrtvCsrfValidatorBundle to your application kernel

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    return array(
        // ...
        new Krtv\Bundle\CsrfValidatorBundle\KrtvCsrfValidatorBundle(),
        // ...

Usage examples:

Just add annotation to your controller action

// Acme\MainBundle\Controller\DefaultController.php

use Krtv\Bundle\CsrfValidatorBundle\Annotations as Krtv;

 * @Krtv\Csrf(intention="your_intention")
 * @return Response
public function importantZoneAction()
    // some code here ...

    return new Response();


<a href="{{ path('_some_route', {'token': csrf_token('your_intention')}) }}">Subscribe!</a>