
0.1.6 2025-02-14 03:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 03:26:34 UTC


Continuous Integration Coding Standards


A powerful MySQL query analyzer that helps detect potential performance issues in SQL files and provides AI-powered optimization recommendations.


  • Detects common performance issues (full table scans, inefficient JOINs, etc.)
  • Provides AI-powered optimization recommendations
  • Supports multiple output languages
  • Generates detailed analysis reports in Markdown format


  • PHP 8.1+
  • MySQL 5.7+ or MariaDB 10.2+
  • PDO MySQL extension


composer require koriym/sql-quality



namespace Koriym\SqlQuality;

use PDO;
use function dirname;

require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=test', 'root', '', [

$sqlParams = require 'path/to/sql_params.php';

//return [
//    '1_full_table_scan.sql' => ['min_views' => 1000],
//    '2_filesort.sql' => ['status' => 'published', 'limit' => 10]

$analyzer = new SqlFileAnalyzer(
    new ExplainAnalyzer(),
    new AIQueryAdvisor('以上の分析を日本語で記述してください。')

// Output to build/sql-quality
$analyzer->analyzeSqlDirectory($sqlParams, __DIR__ . '/build/sql-quality');

Analysis Reports


The analyzer generates two types of analysis reports in the specified output directory (e.g., build/sql-quality).

1. Query Analysis List

Shows the overall analysis of each SQL query:

Column Description
SQL File Name of the SQL file
Cost Estimated query cost
Level Performance level based on statistical analysis (μ = mean, σ = standard deviation)
Issues Detected performance issues
Report Link to detailed analysis


SQL File Cost Exec Time (ms) Level Issues Report
1_full_table_scan.sql 497.95 5.92 Medium (μ ± σ) FullTableScan Details

2. Queries with Optimizer Impact

The MySQL Query Optimizer is a crucial component that automatically optimizes query execution plans. Even when SQL and index design are not optimal, the optimizer attempts to improve performance at runtime.

Column Description
SQL File Name of the SQL file
Base Access Access method, row count, and scan percentage with optimizer disabled
Optimized Access Access method, row count, and scan percentage with optimizer enabled
Cost Impact Cost reduction percentage by optimizer (negative values indicate improvement)
Base Issues Issues detected when optimizer is disabled
Plan Changes Detailed execution plan changes (filtering ratio, cost changes, etc.)

Example Interpretation

Let's look at this example:

SQL File Base Access Optimized Access Cost Impact Base Issues Plan Changes
11_nested_loop.sql ALL, 4897 rows, 100.0% ALL, 1000 rows, 10.0% → ref, using idx_posts_user_id, 4 rows, 100.0% -44.9% FullTableScan -

In this example, without the optimizer, the query performs a full table scan processing 4,897 rows. With the optimizer enabled, it uses an index to access only 4 rows. The cost reduction of -44.9% indicates a significant improvement through optimizer intervention.

Understanding Optimizer Impact

While the optimizer improves performance, relying on it may mask potential underlying issues. Additionally, there are risks of unstable performance as data volume grows or statistics change. This feature aims to detect such issues early and guide appropriate solutions by comparing execution plans and performance with and without the optimizer.

Project Statistics

The summary report also includes overall project statistics:

  • Total SQL queries analyzed
  • Average query cost
  • Standard deviation of costs

Multilingual Support

SQL query analysis results support multilingual output in both ExplainAnalyzer and AIQueryAdvisor.

Language Customization in ExplainAnalyzer

While English is the default language, you can customize error messages in ExplainAnalyzer constructor for other languages:

// Japanese error messages
$analyzer = new ExplainAnalyzer([
    'FullTableScan' => 'フルテーブルスキャンが検出されました。',
    'IneffectiveJoin' => '非効率的な結合が検出されました。',
    'FunctionInvalidatesIndex' => '関数の使用によりインデックスが無効化されています。',
    // ... other messages

// Combined with AI Advisor for complete Japanese output
$analyzer = new SqlFileAnalyzer(
    new AIQueryAdvisor('以上の分析を日本語で記述してください。')

This allows you to generate the entire analysis report in your preferred language. Both error messages and AI analysis results will be output in the specified language.