
Twig helpers inspired by https://github.com/JedWatson/classnames

2.0.1 2023-08-14 15:54 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-20 19:37:31 UTC


Twig helpers inspired by https://github.com/JedWatson/classnames



{% apply class(
    "add-this": true,
    "remove-this": false,
    "neither-add-nor-remove": null,
    "add-or-remove": ifthis and ifthat,
    "add-but-dont-remove": condition ? true : null,
    "remove-but-dont-add": not condition ? false : null,
) %}
  <mytag class="existing classes"> ... </mytag>
{% endapply %}


<mytag class="{{ class("yup yes", { "maybe": ifthis and ifthat }) }}">

Which depending on the conditions ifthis and ifthat will give

<mytag class="yup yes maybe"> or <mytag class="yup yes">

Each argument can be either a string or a map.

A string argument will be treated as a class name (or multiple space-separated class names) to add.

An array argument is a map of class names to statuses.

Its keys are single class names or groups of space-seprated classes. The corresponding values can be

  • strictly true to add the class or classes
  • strictly false to remove the class or classes
  • null or anything else to leave them alone

Any existing classes which aren't mentioned in any of these arguments are left alone.

Arguments are processed in order.