
TYPO3 Extension: Commenting system based on fe_users

2.0.1 2020-05-07 08:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-07 17:26:48 UTC


TYPO3 Extension: Comments

  • Description: Offers a commenting widget for use in extensions.
  • Extension key: koning_comments


Install extension from TER and include Koning Comments static template.


Usage in Fluid templates: <c:widget.comments />


  • url: link to current page (if left empty, it builds the url based on TSFE->id. Use this param if you use this on a page with an extension with url params
  • enableCommenting: use this to make commenting read only (will display previous comments, but no option to post new ones)
  • sort: sorting (ASC or DESC)

Example with url:

<c:widget.comments url="{f:uri.action(action: 'detail', arguments: '{identifier: \'{item.uid}\'}', absolute: 1)}" />


plugin.tx_koningcomments.settings.enableModeration (default 0): When enabled, comments will be created as hidden.


  • KoninklijkeCollective\KoningComments\ViewHelpers\Widget\Controller\CommentsController: afterCommentCreated: you can use this signal to send an e-mail or some other kind of notification after a comment has been created.