
This is the robot package which allows to test webform submission and check the response body response code and not the resposne code for Channel Suite.

dev-master 2020-03-05 12:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-05-14 14:33:24 UTC


The original Robots class was written by Shabbir Reshamwala of Mirum Agency.

The class itself (Robots.php) will work on any PHP 5.4+ site.

This is the robot package which allows to test webform submission and check the response body response code and not the resposne code for Channel Suite.

Checkout the Robots.php class for a full understanding of the functionality.


Step 1. Installing required libraries

  1. Make sure you have python installed on your machine/work station. This is necessary as Robots is built on Python. Considering you are using MAC OR Linux O.S you can use Homebrew as your package management software.

    brew install python2

  2. Install PIP. PIP is a package manager for python. If your python version is greater than 2.7.9, than pip is already installed as it comes along with Python package.

    easy-install pip

  3. Install RobotFramework, as the tests won't run unless the robotsframework is installed.

    pip install robotframework

  4. Install Selenium or Selenium2 Library. This automates browsers for testing and helps in using the pre defined list of keywords available.

    pip install robotframework selenium2library

  5. Intsall Chrome & Firfox drivers. The selenium Library talks to these drivers to control the browsers for automation.

    brew install chromedriver OR

    brew cask install chromedriver

Step 2. Downloading

You can install via Composer. Pick the "master" as the version of the package.

composer require konecranes/webform-submission-test

Or add the following to your composer.json in the require section and then run composer update to install it.

    "require": {

Step 3. Usage


Once installed via Composer you can then navigate to the folder and run the robot test

cd vendor/konecranes/webform-submission-test/Tests/ 

robot test.robot
