
This bundle provides Android application generator based on your project.Resulting Android application contain account, contentprovider, sync service and adapter for perfect Android integration

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2020-04-22 19:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-23 05:12:47 UTC


This bundle provides a command to generate Android application and needed RESTApi based on your bundle definition.


PHP7, Symfony 3.X, 4.X, 5.X

How it works

A generator prompt some information: AppName, package, destination folder, ... After generate Android application based on YourBundle in destination folder :

  • Entity's and ContentProvider's based on YourBundle\Entity class.
  • Account based on FOSUser (YourBundle\Entity\User).
  • SyncService and SyncAdapter between Account and Provider's.

Base application generated contain some additional class:

  • Api class for authentication and communication with Api.
  • Authenticator system (include Account login activity and Account service).
  • Helper's for Account, Database and Entity
  • Various utilities class.
  • And a Constant class (root package) that containing features like DB version, API url, ...


Android SDK must be installed !!

Add minimum-stability rule to your composer.json

"minimum-stability": "dev",

Next install AndroidGeneratorBundle using composer

$ composer require kolapsis/androidgenerator-bundle

I also advise you to install:

$ composer require friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle
$ composer require lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle


  • Create your FOSUser class and configure FOSUser
  • Create your's Entities in YourBundle\Entity with AndroidAnnotation
  • Create your API and configure firewall (being built generator)
  • Generate your Android Application with:
$ php bin/console android:create:app YourBundle


$ php bin/console generate:android:app YourBundle -t 24 -m 21 -s /opt/android -g 2.2.0 -a MyApp -p ~/workspace/MyApp -d host.com -u http://api.host.com


Read the documentation


This bundle is under the BSD 2-Clause license. See the complete license in the bundle:
