
PHP GitHub Release Updater

1.5.2 2024-03-26 04:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 05:20:06 UTC


The GitHub Release Updater is a PHP class that enables you to update your project from the latest GitHub repository releases. The class is simple to use and highly efficient in keeping your project up-to-date with the latest releases.


Before using this class, you need to generate a personal access token on GitHub. Follow these steps:


To use this class with Composer, follow these steps:

  • Open a terminal or command prompt in your project's root directory.
  • Run the following command to initialize a composer.json file in your project:
    composer init
  • Follow the prompts to fill out the details for your project (e.g. package name, description, author, etc.).
  • Run the following command to install the koderzi/php-github-updater package:
    composer require koderzi/php-github-updater

This will download the package and its dependencies and add them to your vendor directory.

  • Include the vendor/autoload.php file in your project's to autoload the class provided by the package:
    require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

If you're using a framework or other autoloading mechanism, you may need to include this file manually.

To use this class with direct download, follow these steps:

  • Retrieve the Updater.php file from the src directory in the repository.
  • Put the Updater.php file in your project's directory.
  • include the file to your project's to load the class.


To initialize the Updater class and start the update process, follow these steps:

  • Instantiate the class with the following parameters:
    use KoderZi\PhpGitHubUpdater\Updater;

    $update = new Updater(
        string $username,
        string $repository,
        string $token,
        string $version,
        string|null $admin,
        string|null $mailer,
        array|null $sourceExclusions = ['path' => [], 'filename' => []],
        array|null $releaseExclusions  = ['path' => [], 'filename' => []],
        bool $clear = true,
        string $dir = ""

$username Your GitHub username.
$repository The name of your GitHub repository.
$token The personal access token you generated earlier.
$version The generated GitHub personal access token for the repository.
$admin (Optional) The email address of the admin who will receive an email in case of update failure.
$mailer (Optional) The email address that the email will be sent from.
$sourceExclusions (Optional) An array of directories or files in the source to be exclude from the update.
$releaseExclusions (Optional) An array of directories or files in the release to exclude from the update.
$clear (Optional) Clear the downloaded file after the update has completed if set to true.
$dir (Optional) Set the directory of the update. Default to current working dir.

The exclusions array keys:

    $sourceExclusions = [
        'path' => an array of source excluded paths,
        'filename' => an array of source excluded filenames

    $releaseExclusions = [
        'path' => an array of release excluded paths,
        'filename' => an array of release excluded filenames

If a new release is available, the class will update your project automatically.

To check the status of the update, use the following code:


The update status can have the following int values:

Updater::STARTED (100): Indicates that the update has started.
Updater::UPDATED (200): Indicates that the update was successful.
Updater::LATEST (204): Indicates that the project is already up to date.
Updater::ERROR (500): Indicates that the update failed.
Updater::BUSY (504): Indicates that an update process is already in progress.


The GitHub Release Updater is a simple and efficient way to keep your project up-to-date with the latest releases on GitHub. It is easy to use and can save you a lot of time and effort. If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact us.