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Simple prince wrapper for Prince library

0.0.7 2019-11-13 11:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-08-04 12:25:53 UTC


Laravel PrinceXML Wrapper is a Laravel 4.2 package that wraps around the http://www.princexml.com/ PDF generator.


There's a requirement to have the "prince" executable installed.

Install the "prince" executable from http://www.princexml.com/download/.

Run the following command to add Kodebyraaet/Prince to download and install.

composer require kodebyraaet/prince

Add the following .env variable to your .env.*.php.


Add the following to your app.php file in the service provider and alias sections respectively. The alias/facade is optional.

'Prince'            => 'Kodebyraaet\Prince\Facades\Prince',


The Kodebyraaet\Prince\Prince class is bound in the Laravel IoC as a Kodebyraaet\Prince\PrinceInterface, so everywhere the IoC automatically resolves dependencies (ie. in controllers) this is the preferred way to use Prince. Optionally you can also use $app->make(...) or App::make(...); You can also use \Prince or Kodebyraaet\Prince\Facades\Prince directly anywhere.


All methods are chainable so you can dynamically add more and more markup as you go to a Prince document. For example:

    ->html('<div><h1>Appending more content.</h1></div>

The html method takes html as a string and appends it to the internally stored markup.

$prince->html('<div>Some HTML</div>');

The view method takes a Laravel view that has not yet been rendered and renders is and appends it to the internally stored markup.

$prince->view(View::make('someview',['somevar' => $somevalue]));

The download method returns a Response object that can be returned to the client for view in browser/download. For example, in a Controller you can return this for a direct view of a generated PDF.

return $prince->html('<html>...</html>')->download();

The store method required a path and returns the same path if successful.

$pdfPath = $prince->html('<html>...</html>')->store(public_path('/pdf/example.pdf'));