
Laravel helper for FullCalendar.io

0.0.9 2019-01-03 18:56 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-03 21:31:39 UTC



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This package is a composer installable helper for working with fullcalendar.io in a laravel app.


Building an Event

$event = new \KO\Fullcalendar\Event();
$event->build(['id'=>'asdf', 'title' => 'test', 'start' => '20-04-2018']);

Adding an Event to an EventCollection

$events = new \KO\Fullcalendar\EventCollection();
$events->push( $event );

Custom options

$options = new \KO\Fullcalendar\Options([
    'header' => [
        'right' => 'prev,next today',
        'center' => 'title',
        'left' => 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay',
    'eventLimit' => true,

Instantiate a new Calendar

$calendar = new \KO\Fullcalendar\Calendar();
$calendar->addEvents( $events );
$calendar->setOptions( $options );

Draw the calendar

In your blade, add the following where you would like the calendar to be drawn.

  {!! $calendar->html() !!}


This package has a helper method for building the appropriate style and javascript assets from a CDN. Just add the following to your html to load the appropriate resources.

Fullcalendar css

{!! $calendar->cdn('fullcalendar', 'css', '3.9.0') !!}

Fullcalendar js

{!! $calendar->cdn('fullcalendar', 'js', '3.9.0') !!}

Moment js

{!! $calendar->cdn('moment', 'js', '2.22.1') !!}