
Laravel API architecture builder based on artisan commands.

v1.0.2 2022-01-29 14:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:53:50 UTC


Laravel API architecture builder based on artisan commands.

This package provides a nice and fluent way to generate combined controllers, models, migrations, requests, resources, repositories and services, thus keeping the code well structured and organized.


Install the package with composer, execute the setup command and register the RepositoryServiceProvider.php file in config > app.php under the providers array.

composer require klisica/api-formula
php artisan api-formula:setup
'providers' => [

Next, in routes > api.php add // @API_FORMULA_AUTOIMPORT comment in order to enable auto importing of resource routes. For example, I like to bind the importing in middleware group:

Route::midleware('auth:sanctum')->group(function () {
    Route::resource('job_posts', 'JobPostController')->parameters(['' => 'job_post']);

To publish the config file run:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="KLisica\ApiFormula\Providers\ApiFormulaServiceProvider"


⭐ To start the API builder run the following command:

php artisan api-make:formula

To manually create specific file you can use one of these commands:

php artisan api-make:model ModelName
php artisan api-make:migration create_example_table
php artisan api-make:repository RepositoryName --model=ModelName
php artisan api-make:service ServiceName
php artisan api-make:request RequestName
php artisan api-make:controller ControllerName --model=ModelName

Other external packages used with this package:

Filtering and sorting on models

Each model is using a custom Filterable trait, which is handling simple query-based filtering and sorting functions on models.

  • Filters are accepted in format column[operator]=value.
  • To filter by relations the format is relationName|column[operator]=value (note the | separator in between).
  • Free-text filter is by default _text query parameter.

JSON example:

    page: 1,
    per_page: 10,
    sort_by: ['created_at', 'desc'],
    'name[equal]': 'Name example',
    'relation|name[equal]': 'Relation name example',
    '_text': 'Search for something'


Raw URL-Query example:

http://api-formula.test/api/job_posts?per_page=10&page=1&sort_by[0]=created_at&sort_by[1]=desc&name[equal]=Name example&relation|name[equal]=Relation name example