
KlikFlight Is a Flight MicroFramework MVC Application Architecture. Flight is a fast, simple, extensible framework for PHP. Flight enables you to quickly and easily build RESTful web applications.

dev-master 2018-02-10 05:33 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-10 09:35:09 UTC


This is my first project.

Welcome to my new repository.

KlikFlight is a Web Application Framework based on Flight Micro Framework That is very light for a small website and very good for restfull applications.

How to Use.

There are two options for you when you want to install this application for your project.

The first way.

This is the way I recommend. Use Composer Autoloader.

Type in your terminal.

$~ composer require kliksob/klikflight
$~ composer update

Create index.php File in your public root Directory.

 * This is Index.php File If you Use public directory
define('APPROOT', __DIR__); // set root directory. not public
define('APPPATH', APPROOT. '/app'); // set your application directory
require_once APPROOT. '/vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new KlikFlight\App();

The second way.

Download this repository

And Change index.php File

Please Uncomment

// require_once APPPATH. '/src/vendor/autoload.php';

And Add a comment on the line

require_once APPROOT. '/vendor/autoload.php';

This will work without Composer. Recommended for small projects.



return [
	/* Basic Config */
	'config' => [
	/* Framework Config */
	'framework'	=> [
		'default.index'		=> 'index',
		'case_sensitive' 	=> false,
		'views.path'		=> APPPATH. '/view/',
		'views.extension'	=> '.php',
		'model.prefix'		=> '_model',
		'helper.prefix'		=> '_helper',
		'library.prefix'	=> '_lib',
		'base_url'			=> '',
		'handle_errors'		=> true,
		'log_errors'		=> true



 * Object Method Routing

$home = new HomeController();
Flight::routeGet('/', array($home, 'index'));
Flight::routeGet('/flight', array($home, 'getFlightInstance'));
Flight::routeGet('/test(/*)', array($home, 'test'));

 * Static Method Routing

class RouteStatic{
	static function example(){
		echo 'Hello Static';
Flight::route('/static', array('RouteStatic', 'example'));

// For Specific Method
//Flight::routeAny($route, $callback);
//Flight::routeGet($route, $callback);
//Flight::routePost($route, $callback);
//Flight::routePut($route, $callback);
//Flight::routePatch($route, $callback);
//Flight::routeDelete($route, $callback);
//Flight::routeHead($route, $callback);
//Flight::routeTrace($route, $callback);
//Flight::routeOptions($route, $callback);

 * Controller Method Routing pass All Public Class Object Method
 * Static Method Does't Work.

Flight::routeController('/blog', 'TestController');

 * Regular Method Routing

Flight::route('/regular', function(){
	echo '<pre>';

Added by me. And the following features are not in the flight framework. For More Information About Routing Engine Please See http://flightphp.com/learn/#routing

Using Flight::routeController();

class Example{
	public function __construct(){
		// the constructor
	public function anyIndex(){
		echo 'i am receipe anything';
		//This Will get Anything method * http://example.com/controller/ or http://example.com/controller/index
	public function getData($var1 = '', $var2 = null){
		echo 'i am receipe get';
		// This will only GET method like http://example.com/controller/data(/@var1)(/@var2)
	public function postData(){
		echo 'i am receipe post';
		// This will only POST method like http://example.com/controller/data
	public function putData(){
		echo 'i am receipe put';
		// This will only PUT method like http://example.com/controller/data
	public function deleteData(){
		echo 'i am receipe delete';
		// This will only DELETE method like http://example.com/controller/data
Flight::routeController('/controller', 'Example');
// You can Pass With Namespace
Flight::routeController('/controller', 'Mynamespace\Example');

Please note: Static Class Does not Work.

Loading Model

Flight::model('modelname', $args = array()); // Model Name Without Prefix

This Will Get Model Instance.

Loading Library

Flight::library('libraryname', $args = array()); // Library Name Without Prefix.

This Will Get Model Instance.

Loading Helper

Flight::helper('helpername', $args = array()); // Helper Name Without Prefix

This Will Include Your Helper.

More Documentation Information About Flight http://flightphp.com/learn/

You can also contribute to this repository. Please.

Thank you.