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Library to ease the configuration loading based on a context (Env, lang, ...)

1.0 2017-12-06 14:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-08 12:59:24 UTC


OverloadConf is library to ease configuration file loading based on a context.
The principe is to define common variables (or not, as you want) and contextualized variables (or not, again) in the same file or in a bunch of files.
This library is able to load a single file, all files in a directory or a bunch or files/directories.


The recommended way to install OverloadConf is throught Composer.

  $ composer require kleinrich/overloadConf ~1.0

Alternativaly, the code can be clone form this git repotory :

  $ git clone https://bitbucket.org/Kleinrich/OverloadConf.git

Configuration files

The library accepts php, json and yml extentions.

Here is an example of a database configuration. The host is the local machine for all environment but the schema, the user and the password change according to the environment.

Php (database.php) :

use Kleinrich\OverloadConf\OverloadConf;

return array(
    OverloadConf::COMMON => array(
        'host' => '',
    'dev' => array(
        'schema' => 'foo',
        'user' => 'foo',
        'password' => 'foo'
    'prod' => array(
        'schema' => 'bar',
        'user' => 'bar',
        'password' => 'bar',

Json (database.json):

  "common": {
    "host": ""
  "dev": {
    "schema": "foo",
    "user": "foo",
    "password": "foo"
  "prod": {
    "schema": "bar",
    "user": "bar",
    "password": "bar"

Yaml (database.yml):

    host: ""
    schema: "foo"
    user: "foo"
    password: "foo"
    schema: "bar"
    user: "bar"
    password: "bar"

Basic usage

OverloadConf works as a service and may (should) be instantiate once. For example, in your DIContainer.

  // May be in your DIContainer
  $oConfigLoader = new \Kleinrich\OverloadConf\OverloadConf();
    new \Kleinrich\OverloadConf\Parser()

Then, when you want to get a configuration, you must call the get function of OverloadConf service:

   * Let's try with the example seen above
   * NB: It may be interresting to create an extention of OverloadConf if your 
   * configuration files are all in the same folder and have the same extention. Then 
   * you will be able to call $oConfigLoader->get('database', $sEnv);
  $sPath = '../config/database.yml';
   * I choosed the environment, but it could be anything else (lang, country, etc...)
   * It depends on your needs
  $sEnv = 'dev';

  $aConfig = $oConfigLoader->get('./config/database.json', $sEnv);

  $sHost = $aConfig['database.host'];
  $sSchema = $aConfig['database.schema'];
  $sUser = $aConfig['database.user'];
  $sPassword = $aConfig['database.password '];

Advanced Usage

The OverloadConf service is able to load configuration with a glob pattern.

   * This example will load all JSON files in config folder that begins with database
   * ie : databasedev.json, dabaseprod.json, ...
  $aConfig = $oConfigLoader->get('./config/database*.json', $sContext);

It is also able to load all configuration files in a single directory...

   * In this example, you imagine that database is a folder
   * ie :
   *      -config
   *          -database
   *              -dev.json
   *              -prod.json
  $aConfig = $oConfigLoader->get('./config/database/', $sContext);

...or recursively.

   * In this example, you imagine that database is a folder
   * ie :
   *      -config
   *          -dev
   *              -database.json
   *          -prod
   *              -database.json
   *          -database.json
  $aConfig = $oConfigLoader->get(