
Smarty2 Updated Fork - the compiling PHP template engine

2.7.4 2021-10-13 06:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 04:21:55 UTC


Smarty 2

Smarty 2 - the PHP compiling template engine

The Smarty 2 library is still used, even 20 years after its initial inception. However, it is abandoned, as the focus has shifted to the (not-so) newer version 3, as well as other alternatives.

This project is an effort to to clean it up and make some improvements. The goal is to keep all of the class methods and their arguments the same, but still improve the underlying code and how it works. A lot of things has changed from 2001, and PHP as a whole has evolved a lot. This needs to be reflected in this project, so mainly the changes involve removing outdated features and other things we do not use, but also improving some of the codebase and bring it closely to the state of PHP nowadays (in the 2020s).

This fork is started from Smarty 2.6.31.


To get the latest stable version add this in your composer.json file:

	"require": {
	   "kktsvetkov/smarty2": "~2.7"

or you can just use the composer tool:

php composer.phar require kktsvetkov/smarty2


Additionally you will need to create few folders. Using the default settings, those folders are "templates" (to read the templates from), and "templates_c" (to write the compiled templates into). If you want to use different folders, be sure to set the appropriate directory settings in Smarty for them.

Make sure the "templates_c" folder (or whatever other folder you used for compiled templates) is writable by your web server user (usually nobody):

chown nobody:nobody templates_c;
chmod 700 templates_c


The project was converted to use a PSR-4 loaded namespace called Smarty2. The legacy class names of Smarty and Smarty_Compiler are still available as aliased to their descendants at Smarty2\Legacy and Smarty2\Compiler.

What is Smarty?

(from original README)

Smarty is a template engine for PHP. Many other template engines for PHP provide basic variable substitution and dynamic block functionality. Smarty takes a step further to be a "smart" template engine, adding features such as configuration files, template functions, and variable modifiers, and making all of this functionality as easy as possible to use for both programmers and template designers. Smarty also converts the templates into PHP scripts, eliminating the need to parse the templates on every invocation. This makes Smarty extremely scalable and manageable for large application needs.

Some of Smarty's features:

  • it is extremely fast
  • no template parsing overhead, only compiles once.
    • it is smart about recompiling only the template files that have changed.
  • the template language is remarkably extensible via the plugin architecture.
  • configurable template delimiter tag syntax, so you can use {}, {{}}, <!--{}-->, or whatever you like.
  • arbitrary template sources (filesystem, databases, etc.)
  • template if/elseif/else/endif constructs are passed to the PHP parser, so the if syntax can be as simple or as complex as you like.
  • unlimited nesting of sections, conditionals, etc. allowed
  • and many more.


Template contents are read from resource objects. You can create new resources using Smarty2\Resource\ResourceInterface, or you can re-use some of the existing resources, such as:

  • FolderResource reads templates from a folder
  • CustomResource is wrapper for the custom resource code from register_resource() method
  • PluginResource is a wrapper for plugin resources, e.g. plugins/resource.file.php

Loaded resources are hosted in a Smarty2\Resource\Aggregate object, and this is the object you must use to register new resource object:

	new Smarty2\Resource\FolderResource('admin/templates')

At the same time, the old register_resource() and unregister_resource() are preserved, and the custom callbacks used in them for the resources are used through the CustomResource class.


The old security settings at $smarty->security and $smarty->security_settings are preserved in Smarty2\Legacy engine. Under the hood these settings are imported into the new Smarty2\Security\Policy classes. If you are using the new engine class, Smarty2\Engine, then in order to enforce a security policy you must set it explicitly like this:

$smarty = new Smarty2\Engine;
	new Smarty2\Security\Policy(
		$allowConstants = false,
		$allowSuperGlobals = true		

Dropped or Deprecated Features

One of the goals for this project is to cut down any dated or legacy features, as well as exotic and questionable features that have outlived their purpose.


The debugging console is removed. The debugging stats are collected in the Smarty::$_smarty_debug_info array, and you can inspect and render them in whatever way is best for you -- for examples something like this:


and the output will be something similar to this:

    [0] => Array
            [type] => template
            [filename] => index.tpl
            [depth] => 0
            [exec_time] => 0.0049879550933838

    [1] => Array
            [type] => template
            [filename] => header.tpl
            [depth] => 1
            [exec_time] => 7.2002410888672E-5

    [2] => Array
            [type] => template
            [filename] => footer.tpl
            [depth] => 1
            [exec_time] => 6.103515625E-5


Config Vars

The config file reading is removed. In order to introduce config_vars use the Smarty::set_config_vars() method instead.


The built-in caching of the Smarty 2 project is removed from this fork. The methods used in caching are still present, but they are considered deprecated and do nothing.

Consider other options for caching for your web app, not within the presentation layer that Smarty provides.

Core Internals (from libs/internals)

The libs/internals folder is removed from the project. The some of the core internals were moved to Smarty2\Engine, while other are dropped (as they are not necessary anymore). This happened as the core internals code was refactored, with some of the functionality delegated to other classes, and some of the old unnecessary code was just dropped.

Plugins (from libs/plugins)

As the project was converted to using PSR-4 loaded namespace, the libs/ folder was dropped. The main project files are moved to src/, and the plugins/ folder is moved to the root. The SMARTY_DIR used to load the plugins is adjusted accordingly to point to the correct folder.


Any PHP code a la <?php do_something(); ?> inside the templates will always be printed in the template in its quoted form. This is the behaviour that used to be triggered by the SMARTY_PHP_QUOTE setting of $smarty->php_handling. Now that's the only available option.

{php} block tags

It goes without saying how bad of an idea is to use the {php} block tags. Now all of those tags will be stripped when the template is compiled. The PHP_TAGS security option is also removed as it is no longer needed.

{include_php} tag

Again, including PHP scripts from templates is a bad ideas. Another option that made this possible was the {include_php} tag. That is now removed from this project. If you do need to use this tag, look into implementing your own custom plugin functions for this.

Dropped Plugins

These plugins have been removed from this project. If you need them for your work you can either get them from the original source code at Smarty 2.6.31 and add them as custom plugins, or you can modify your code around them.

  • {mailto} -- 2002 called and asked for it back
  • {fetch} -- it is a bad idea to fetch anything during rendering
  • {html_image} -- there are better ways to do this
  • {config_load} -- the whole config file reading feature is removed
  • {debug} -- the debug console is removed
  • {popup}, {popup_init} -- seriously ?

Removed Features

Few more things stripped form this project:

  • the append="..." argument for {capture} block tags
  • the script="..." argument for {insert} tags


All of the deprecated methods are kept in the Smarty2\Legacy class. They are all empty and do nothing, but at least your code should be able to continue your existing code without any real big changes.