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PHP client for Bullhorn

dev-master 2016-03-16 20:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-16 07:54:38 UTC


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This is a basic PHP wrapper around the Bullhorn SOAP API. A REST API is offered by Bullhorn, but I currently only have the means to access and test the SOAP API.


Before you can issue any requests to the Bullhorn API, you must create a new session using your Bullhorn credentials. See the demo folder for examples.

Inline Example

$bullhorn = new Bullhorn(
    ['trace' => 1, 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1],

Separate Config File

$config = require 'config.php';

$bullhorn = new Bullhorn(

Supported Operations


The find method retrieves a single entity with the id you specify.

// Find a candidate entity by id
$candidate = $bullhorn->find('Candidate', 98261);

Tip: The find method first checks to see if the id you are passing in is an array. If an array is detected, find will pass the request on to the findMultiple method for you. This is helpful when passing the id(s) in from a query result and you aren't sure if one or many results were returned.

Find Multiple

The findMultiple method retrieves an array of entities matching the ids you specify.

// Find multiple job orders
$jobs = $bullhorn->findMultiple('JobOrder', [100, 101]);


The query method retrieves ids of entities that match a query you specify. After retrieving the ids, you can pass them to the find or findMultiple methods to get the entity details.

// Get a candidate id for a specific query
$id = $bullhorn->query([
    'entityName' => 'Candidate',
    'maxResults' => 1,
    'where'      => "isDeleted = 0 AND email = 'john@smith.com'",
    'distinct'   => 0,
    'parameters' => []

// Get details for the candidate id
$candidate = $bullhorn->find('Candidate', $id);

Add File

The addFile method links a file with a Bullhorn entity.

Note: The file must be on the filesystem already. For example, if the user is uploading a file from an HTML form, you must upload that file to your server. You can then pass that filename along to the addFile method.

$entityId = 294415;
$entityName = 'Candidate';
$filename = 'test-resume.pdf';
$type = 'File';
$comments = 'Test API Upload!';

$bullhorn->addFile($entityId, $entityName, $filename, $type, $comments);

Available Entities

There are a ton of entities to work with in Bullhorn. Some examples are Appointment, Candidate, Note and JobSubmission. See a full list of the available entities in the documentation.