
A CLI for generating DDD classes

0.0.7 2024-01-20 01:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 04:18:58 UTC


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Impress is a developer command line tool for generating Domain Driven Design (DDD) classes, such as actions, controllers, and exceptions under a specific domain.


The CLI installs globally via Composer and can be called from any directory containing a src sub-directory.

composer global require kjohnson/impress-cli

Note: .composer/vendor/bin must be included in PATH for the command to be called globally, which varies across operating systems.


Once installed, the CLI can be called from any directory containing a src sub-directory.

  USAGE:  <command> [options] [arguments]

  make:action     Create a new Action class
  make:controller Create a new Controller class
  make:domain     Create a new Domain directory
  make:exception  Create a new Exception class

Example usage:

impress make:domain User
// Creates the `User` domain/directory within `src/`

impress make:action User UpdateUserPassword
// Creates the `UpdateUserPassword` action within the `User` domain
// See src/User/Actions/UpdateUserPassword.php

Each command will generate the appropriate directories and files within the corresponding Domain.


Releasing an update

  1. Update the version number in composer.json
  2. Run composer run build
  3. Commit and push changes
  4. Create a new release on GitHub
  5. Update the package on Packagist