
TYPO3 CLI toolbox

Installs: 428

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 3

Forks: 0


3.0.0 2024-05-29 08:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-02 09:15:58 UTC


TYPO3 Extension cli_toolbox


Determine uids of all children in the pagetree of a given root uid:

bin/typo3 toolbox:tree 123 [--table=pages] [--depth=10] [--separator=,] [--languages=0]

A site identifier can be used instead of the root uid:

bin/typo3 toolbox:tree my-site-identifier


Determine uids of all children in the categorytree of a given root uid:

bin/typo3 toolbox:tree 321 --table=sys_category

Recursive delete

(!) Use with caution and backup!

bin/typo3 toolbox:delete --pid=123 [--memory-limit=512M]

Copy/move records

See TYPO3 datahandler for details on behaviour of positive/negative --target parameter

# Copy tt_content:123 to page:234
bin/typo3 toolbox:copy --table=tt_content --source=123 --target=234 [--be-user=1] [--memory-limit=512M]

# Copy tt_content:123 right behind tt_content:-234
bin/typo3 toolbox:copy --table=tt_content --source=123 --target=-234

# Move pages:123 to page:234
bin/typo3 toolbox:move --source=123 --target=234