
Lightweight and easy to use router library

1.0.0 2018-01-18 20:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 01:55:40 UTC



The kitten Router is a Lightweight and easy to use library.It is based on a mature symfony/routing component

It has the following features:

  • Write routing with similar laravel writing, coding friendly and intuitive.
  • No constraint controller and middleware,You can define it the way you want it.
  • Do not process HTTP requests, only responsible for routing filtering, So you can choose the framework very freely, such as zend-diactoros、symfony/http-foundation.


Install via composer

composer require kittenphp/router


Quick Start

require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use kitten\component\router\RouteCollector;
use kitten\component\router\RouteTracker;

$router= new RouteCollector();
$tracker=new RouteTracker($router->getRouteNodes());
if (is_null($result)){
    //No matching routes found
    echo '404 Not Found';
    echo $controller; //Output: 'NewsController@index'

Defining routes

$router= new RouteCollector();
$router->get($uri, $callback);
$router->post($uri, $callback);
$router->put($uri, $callback);
$router->patch($uri, $callback);
$router->delete($uri, $callback);
$router->options($uri, $callback);

Sometimes you may need to register a route that responds to multiple HTTP verbs. You may do so using the match method.


$callback can be of any type, such as string,arrays,closures and so on.

$router->get('/',function (){
   return 'hello world'; 

The following is a complete code example that sets $callback to closures:

$router= new RouteCollector();

$router->get('/',function (){
    return 'hello world!';

$tracker=new RouteTracker($router->getRouteNodes());
if (is_null($result)){
    //No matching routes found
    echo '404 Not Found';
    echo $controller();    //Screen display: 'hello world!'

Regular Expression

To match a path by using a regular expression


You can match multiple snippets in your code:


The RouteResult class can get the value of the parameter matching the path

$router= new RouteCollector();

$tracker=new RouteTracker($router->getRouteNodes());
print_r($args);  //print 'Array ( [year] => 2010 [month] => 01 )'

Route Groups

By routing Groups to share some of the attributes, such as url, middleware and so on.

$router->group('/article',function (RouteCollector $router){    
    $router->get('/','ArticleController@index');           //Matching path:/article/
    $router->get('/add','ArticleController@add');          //Matching path:/article/add
    $router->get('/remove','ArticleController@remove');    //Matching path:/article/remove

Routing Groups can be nested at multiple levels

$router->group('/article',function (RouteCollector $router){
   $router->group('/business',function (RouteCollector $router){
      $router->get('/add','ArticleController@add'); //Matching path:/article/business/add


Kitten Router does not limit how you implement middleware processing,You can easily apply it in own framework,For example:StackPHP,PSR-7...

$router->group('/admin',function (RouteCollector $router){

Get middleware for matching routes

$tracker=new RouteTracker($router->getRouteNodes());
$m= $result->getRouteNode()->getMiddleware();
print_r($m);      //Print out: Array ( [0] => Auth )

Middleware can also be defined in routing nodes


You can define multiple middleware at the same time, only need to pass an array as a parameter


Generate a URL

To generate a URL path by the name of the route

$router= new RouteCollector();

$tracker=new RouteTracker($router->getRouteNodes());
$url= $tracker->generateUrl('ReadArticle',['year'=>'2020','month'=>'08']);
echo $url;  //print out: '/article/2020/08'