kirschbaum-development/eloquent-power-joins dependents (27) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Easily Filter the queries

  • PHP


    easy traverse eloquent models

  • PHP


    The skeleton application for the Laravel framework for SBuilder projects.

  • PHP


    LaraGrid is a powerful and customizable grid system package for Laravel. It provides an easy way to create sortable, filterable tables with pagination. The package is designed to be highly customizable, allowing developers to define columns, apply filters, and sort data with ease.Key Features:- **Column Definition**: LaraGrid allows you to define the columns that will be displayed in the grid. You can specify the model field and the label for each column.- **Filters**: The package provides several filter classes out of the box, including text, select, date, and boolean filters. These filters can be applied to the columns to filter the grid's data based on user input.- **Sorting**: LaraGrid supports sorting of data based on any column. It also provides support for sorting data based on a related model's field using PowerJoins.- **Pagination**: The package integrates with Laravel's pagination system, allowing you to easily paginate the data in the grid.- **Customizable Appearance**: LaraGrid allows you to customize the appearance of the grid by extending the `BaseLaraGridTheme` class and setting the desired CSS classes.- **Livewire Integration**: LaraGrid is built with Livewire, a full-stack framework for Laravel that makes building dynamic interfaces simple, without leaving the comfort of Laravel.The package is currently in development and is not ready for use in production. It requires PHP 8.1 or higher and Laravel 10.0 or higher.

  • PHP


    it is a package provider cache from query generate and purge cache when used methods specifics

  • PHP


    Framework extension

  • PHP


    Core helper methods and foundation code for all Filament packages.

  • PHP


    PHP Laravel package for moneyphp/money implementation

  • PHP


    This is my package test-levenshtein

  • PHP


    This is my package inertia-table

  • PHP


    easy traverse eloquent models

  • juzaweb/packages

    Juzaweb CMS packages

  • PHP


    Provides laravel scope to build query from request query params

  • PHP


    The Laravel magic applied to joins, with compoships support