
Multiplatform WEB profiler

Installs: 10

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


1.0 2024-02-19 19:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-19 23:39:45 UTC


Created to simplify the process of searching for bottlenecks in web projects. Click here to see it in action.


  • Backend-independent design: can be used with any backend (PHP, Golang, Node.js, Java, ...)
    • PHP supported (please refer to the library)
    • Golang in development
    • For others, please don't hesitate to PR an adapter for your programming language
  • Docked mode
  • Floating window mode
  • Waterfall span view
  • AJAX requests support
  • Small footprint
  • No dependencies: written with vanilla JS, CSS, and HTML
  • Stateful with localStorage (remembers docking/floating mode, folding, and size)
  • Go to row from Summary view (just click on span)

Floating window mode

Floating window mode

Docked mode

Docked mode


You don't need to run anything just to play with the profiler. Please see the playground.

If you'd like to run the project locally:

  1. Clone this project
git clone && cd web-profiler-ui
  1. Run any HTTP server to open index.html:


python3 -m http.server


php -S localhost:8000

IntelliJ IDEs

You can run the project with your IntelliJ IDE using the embedded web server. Just open index.html and click on your favorite browser icon in the browser toolbar: intellij_run.png


Profiler is embedded using an iframe just to avoid CSS collisions with the parent page.

Backends should send an appropriate response to be parsed by the profiler and draw spans:

  // (string) URI
  "request_uri": "/uri/requested/",
  // (int) overall memory used by the request in bytes
  "peak_memory": 0,
  // (array) collectors objects, see `Collector object`
  "collectors_data": [],
  // (float) Unix timestamp with microseconds
  "start_time": 1708231434.391469,
  // (float) overall time used to respond in seconds (with microseconds)
  "duration": 0.39930295944213867,
  // Not Implemented Yet
  "request_headers": [],
  // Not Implemented Yet
  "response_headers": []

Collector object

  "props": {
    // (string, required) title to show in the profiler's tab
    "title": "Log",
    // (string, required) template for collector's data to display; available templates:
    //    - `table`: data will be displayed as a table
    //    - `html`: data will be shown as HTML
    "template": "table",
    // (string, optional) color associated with this collector
    //    - can be either hex `#af0000`, `rgb(255,0,0)` or color name `gold`
    //    - if no color is specified, a predefined color will be associated (by CRC32 from `title` and a 216-color palette)
    "cssColor": "#663333",
    // (float, required) summary time for this collector 
    "duration": 0,
    // (object, required) list of metrics, which this collector is collecting
    "metrics": {
      // (string, required) metric key (unique in metrics context)
      "key": {
        // (string, required) metric title, which will be displayed
        "title": "Title",
        // (string, required) metric data type - different types have their own format logic:
        //    - `seconds` - will be formatted as Xs/Xms/Xμs
        //    - `bytes` - will be formatted as XB/XKiB/XMiB/...
        //    - `unixtime` - will be formatted as time (for example: 23:43:54) 
        //    - `integer` - will be formatted as a number
        //    - `json` - 
        //    - `text` - long texts (such as SQL queries)
        //        For `table` template, the following features are available:
        //          text will be truncated with ellipses (using CSS);
        //          duplicated values will be highlighted;
        //          copy the full content on double click;
        //    - `string` (default) - just a string value, will not be truncated as opposed to `text` type
        "type": "type"
      // `__start_time` and `__duration` are standard metrics which will be used to generate the Summary tab
      // with spans waterfall. You can skip these metrics to not display the collector in the Summary tab
      "__start_time": {
        "title": "Start time",
        "type": "seconds"
      "__duration": {
        "title": "Duration",
        "type": "seconds"
  "data": [
      "message": "\"test\"",
      "file_line": "\/var\/www\/html\/App\/Dbg\/Controller\/Index.php:362",
      "time": 1708231434

To render AJAX responses, they should provide a full response with the __profiler property along with business data:

  "__profiler": {
    /*full profiler response*/

I'm avoiding using HTTP headers to send profiler data with AJAX as it requires special settings for HTTP servers. I also don't like to save responses to files to use them later, as it requires a writable filesystem and other file-related logic (be KISS).


An adapter is a small piece of language-related code (aka interface) to connect the UI to the web project. Supported adapters:


Makefile is used just to minify CSS and JS after editing.

PHP adapter

Please initialize Composer with the command

composer dumpautoload

and then open index.php.


  1. create playground
  2. add php library
  3. add golang adapter and library
  4. add dark mode