
REST interface for \Kingsoft\Persist classes

2.10.3 2024-11-10 13:27 UTC


This packege uses \Kingsoft\Http, \Kingsoft\PersistDb to expose all the tables and views discovered by PersistDb discover.php and of those the ones added to the allowedEndPoints list. If it is not on that list the api will return a 404. So other data is save. A table or view is accessible with, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE reqeests but those can also be restricted using allowedMethods. The reqeust follow the rfc9205 standard with some extensions. This module is CORS complient and can allow or disallow certain methods and communicate that fact by properly responding to a OPTION request. The resulting service it HATEOAS enabled as it provides uris for pagination and other functions.


  • POST will create a new record with the values specifed in the json payload. If the record has autoincrment true a new ID is created and returned (C)
  • GET gets a list of all resources restricted by maxresults (R)
  • GET[n,c] gets a list of resource starting with position n and limited by c. The response will include links for pagination. (R)
  • GET<id> get the record with id specified (R)
  • GET<key>=<value> gets all the recources where attribute key = value. Combine mutliples with & (R)
  • GET<key>=!<value> gets all the recources where attribute key != value. (R)
  • GET<key>=U<value1>,<value2> gets all the recources where attribute key IN (value1, value2) other operators are avaiable. See \Kingsoft\Persist for those (R)
  • PUT<id> will set new values specifed in the json payload (U)
  • DELETE<id> deletes the resource with the id specified (D)

So the interface creates a complete CRUD interface for all resources (tables, views) exposed. Tables and views can be discoverd using the "discover" feature from \Kingsoft\Persist. This will allow to have full access to tables and read access to views or even stored procedures if they produce a result set.


GET results are stored in a resources object in the json response allongside links and other messages to make a semi level 3. The results can be a single or multiple objects up to the maximum set. The response will include the urls to implement a pagination.


Results contain URIs for pagination and other navigation.

Pre flight

Pre-flight is handled by observing the OPTION method and returning the proper hints.

Sample usage

use Kingsoft\Http\{StatusCode, Response};
use Kingsoft\PersistRest\{PersistRest, PersistRequest};

try {
  $request = new PersistRequest(
    ['Test', 'TestView'],
    "GET, POST",
  $request->setLogger( LOG );
  $api = new PersistRest( $request, LOG );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
  Response::sendError( $e->getMessage(), StatusCode::InternalServerError->value );

It is ofcourse possible to read the constructor parameters from a configuration file.

Add allowedendpoints

Kingsoft persist-db

To create the allowed endpoints with Kingsoft\Persist-db generate them with Followed by these steps

  • Copy the allowedendpoints settings to the ini file and
  • Copy the psr-4 section to composer.json. After that make sure to reload the autoloader with
composer dump-autoload

And to use pretty URLs a htacess

<FilesMatch "\.(?:ini|htaccess)$">
Require all granted

RewriteEngine On

## nginx

nginx configuration by

location ~ ^(.*)$ { }

location / { rewrite ^(.*)$ /api/index.php; }

RewriteRule ^ - [L]
RewriteRule ^ /api/index.php