
Implementation of Kingsoft/IPersist for databases using Kingsoft/Database as a backend.

2.8.8 2024-04-08 08:26 UTC


This implementation of the abstract Persist/Base uses a Db connection to make tables in the database available as persistent PHP objects. This generates a class for every table or view in the database extracting PK, possibly with auto increment from tables. With Mariadb it is not possible to extract PK from a view so manual setting the getPrimaryKey() is needed.


To create the PHP proxies to the tables and views use

which only works if the proper global SETTINGS array is available. (See Kingsoft\Utils

This will create a folder discovered in the root with subfolders based on namespace in the settings file. It also responds with a page listing what is available. To have the proxies autoloaded add the psr-4 section to your composer.jsonand run

composer dump-autoload

The allowedEndPoints array can be used for a persist-rest settings section.

The proxy objects work as a facade for database tables and can now used to

  • Created a recordd in the database with freeze()
  • Read from the databae with thaw(id)
  • Updated by reading and changing the properties and freeze()
  • Deleted by thawing and deleteing the php object

We have a CRUD object in this way. Yaj!


Searching is also possible be setting a where and order with a static findall which gets a Generator interface to use with foreach. A findFirst, fineNext, can be used in an Iterator context using the Persist\IteratorTrait. The object itself is a generater and can be used in a yield loop.


  • Persist\Base::createFromArray() creates a record from an array representation
  • Persist\Base::getJson() retrieves a json representation of the object