
Object oriented way of managing CSV files

v2.0.1 2025-03-13 02:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 02:02:29 UTC


PHP-CSV is a package that allows you to manage CSV files in an object-oriented way. It is the respawn of the wilgucki/php-csv original package.


There's not much to do, just run this composer command

composer require kingbeto/php-csv


Both, Reader and Writer classes are easy to use. In fact the classes are just a wrappers for built-in PHP functions.


Reader class will help you with reading existing CSV files (no surprise here).

To read CSV file you need to open it first.

$reader = new Reader();

Constructor accepts optional arguments you can use to describe your CSV file. The arguments are:

  • $delimiter
  • $enclosure
  • $escape
  • $encodingFrom
  • $encodingTo

First three arguments are exactly the same as fgetcsv function arguments described in the manual -

Other two helps you define encoding - $encodingFrom is the encoding of CSV file and $encodingTo is encoding we get after file is read.

To read data from the CSV file we can use two functions: readLine and readAll. The former will read and return current row while the latter will read whole CSV file and return it as an array of arrays (each line will be represented by an array).

If the CSV file has a header row, you can use getHeader function. This function will take the first row from CSV file and use it to set array keys for readLine and readAll functions. This means that instead of numeric keys you can use labels defined in the first row.


Sometimes data available in csv file need to be converterd into more suitable format, e.g. convert dates into Carbon objects. Converters make this task much easier. All you need to do is to create converter object and specify the column you want to convert.

$reader = new Reader();
$reader->addConverter(3, new DateToCarbon());
$data = $reader->readLine();

You can assigon only one converter per column.


CSV file example

$reader = new Reader();
    [0] => user_id
    [1] => name
    [0] => 1
    [1] => john
$reader = new Reader();
    [0] => Array
            [0] => user_id
            [1] => name

    [1] => Array
            [0] => 1
            [1] => john

    [2] => Array
            [0] => 2
            [1] => jane

$reader = new Reader();
    [0] => user_id
    [1] => name
$reader = new Reader();
    [user_id] => 1
    [name] => john
$reader = new Reader();
    [0] => Array
            [user_id] => 1
            [name] => john

    [1] => Array
            [user_id] => 2
            [name] => jane


Don't forget to close CSV file after you are done.



For creating/updating CSV files you can use Writer class. If you want to create file, you need to provide only a writable path. For updating existing file, you have to use optional $mode argument. All available modes are described in the manual ( but only 'w' and 'a' values are usable in this case.

$writer = new Writer();

// create new file

// update existing file
$writer->create('/path/to/file.csv', 'a+');

Writer contructor accepts the same arguments as the Reader constructor. Only difference is that $encodingFrom refers to the input encoding and the $encodingTo refers to CSV file encoding.

There are two ways of writing CSV files - writeLine and writeAll. First method will write a single line to a CSV file, while the second method will write multiple lines. If for some reason you need to access data you have written to a CSV file you can use flush method.


// write a single line to the CSV file

$writer = new Writer();
$writer->writeLine(['abc', 'def']);
// write multiple lines to the CSV file

$writer = new Writer();
    ['abc', 'def'],
    [123, 234]
// display added data

$writer = new Writer();
    ['abc', 'def'],
    [123, 234]
echo $writer->flush();

Don't forget to close CSV file after you are done.
