
Health checks for PHP apps.

v0.0.1 2019-08-22 10:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 00:05:16 UTC


Build Status Test Coverage

PHP Healthz

Health checking for PHP apps.

Get an easy overview of the health of your app! Implement a health check endpoint for load balancers, or your own sanity :)

All credit to generationtux for the upstream version. This is a fork of that with a lot of stuff removed. Notably:

  • No Laravel support (no dependency on Illuminate components!)

  • No UI (no dependency on Twig!)

  • No defined checks - roll your own only.

  • Setup and usage

  • Writing checks


$ composer require generationtux/healthz

Build an instance of the health check

use Gentux\Healthz\Healthz;

$memcached = (new MemcachedHealthCheck())->addServer('');
$healthz = new Healthz([$memcached]);

Run the checks and review results

// @var $results Gentux\Healthz\ResultStack
$results = $healthz->run();

if ($results->hasFailures()) {
    // oh no

if ($results->hasWarnings()) {
    // hmm

foreach ($results->all() as $result) {
    // @var $result Gentux\Healthz\HealthResult
    if ($result->passed() || $result->warned() || $result->failed()) {
        echo "it did one of those things at least";

    echo "{$result->title()}: {$result->status()} ({$result->description()})";

Writing checks

Note: Checks may have one of 3 statuses (success, warning, or failure). Any combination of success and warning and the stack as a whole will be considered to be successful. Any single failure, however, will consider the stack to be failed.

To create a custom health check, you should extend Gentux\Healthz\HealthCheck and implement the one abstract method run().


use Gentux\Healthz\HealthCheck;

class MyCustomCheck extends HealthCheck {

    /** @var string Optionally set a title, otherwise the class name will be used */
    protected $title = '';

    /** @var string Optionally set a description, just to provide more info on the UI */
    protected $description = '';

    public function run()
        // any exception that is thrown will consider the check unhealthy

If no exception is thrown, the check will be presumed to have been successful. Otherwise, the exception's message will be used as the status of the failed check.

public function run()
    throw new Exception('Heres why the check failed.');

If you would like the check to show a warning instead of a full failure, throw an instance of Gentux\Healthz\Exceptions\HealthWarningException.

use Gentux\Healthz\Exceptions\HealthWarningException;

public function run()
    throw new HealthWarningException("The check didn't fail, but here ye be warned.");