
Put an end to unreadable PHP code.

0.0.5 2017-07-09 12:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:11:43 UTC


Puts an end to unreadable PHP code.

use Khalyomede\Piper;
use You\PiperArrayFilterNumber as ArrayFilterNumber;
use Her\PiperArrayAverage as ArrayAverage;

Piper::set([12, 8, 'apple', 19, 16, 'kiwi', 'banana'])
  ->pipe( ArrayFilterNumber::do() )
  ->pipe( ArrayAverage::do() )
  ->pipe( 'intval' )
  ->pipe( 'addOne' ) // your previously created function
  ->pipe( function() { return Piper::input() + 3; } )

// 17


  • Cascading input-output pipe logic
  • Possibility to echo or get the final result
  • Large possibilites with either custom functions or Piper Comunity classes
  • Recursive pipe call

Why should I use Piper?

If you want to use a global class that let you mix multiple logic, from local functions to custom classes, from custom Piper classes to PHP functions, and you are eager to build beautiful, readable, and reusable codes, then Piper-PHP is made for you. If you love the Gulp.js way, you will love Piper-PHP too!

Can I do a port of Piper-PHP in another language?

Yes for sure, we even encourage this! We want to build a better developper experience (DX), so feel free to copy and adapt this concept! Sharing is caring.

Who initiated the project?

Me and my brother, aminnairi.

Why creating Piper?

We literally fell in love with Gulp.js, which is a task automater that is famous for simplifying your front process, like minifying, processing files, ... We searched to hopefuly find a repository for using pipes in PHP but did not find anything that fit our needs! So we wanted to made it for you guys :)

How to install it without Composer?

Worry no more, Piper-PHP got you covered. Simply copy the content of the file /src/piper.php, removes the namespace Khalyomede; and include this file in your project. You are good to go!

How to install it using Composer?

Run the following command in your project folder:

$ composer require khalyomede/piper-php && composer update


All the examples will assume you have the following arborescence:


Example 1: using Piper PHP Community class

this example features hypotetical classes to illustrate this example

Download the Piper class of another friend (hypotetical class). Execute this command in your project folder:

composer require someone/piper-array-average && composer update
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Khalyomede\Piper;
use Someone\PiperArrayAverage as ArrayAverage;

Piper::set([5, 17, 12, 14, 9])
  ->pipe( ArrayAverage::do() )

This will print:


Example 2: using custom function

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Khalyomede\Piper;

function uppercase( $input ) {
  return strtoupper( $input );


This will print:


Example 3: mixing custom functions, PHP functions and Piper Comunity class

this example features hyptotetical classes to illustrate this example

Download the Piper class of another friend (hypotetical class). Execute this command in your project folder:

composer require someone/piper-array-average && composer update

Now let the fun begin:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Khalyomede\Piper;
use Someone\PiperArrayAverage as ArrayAverage;

function convertInt( $input ) {
  return (int) $input;

Piper::set([5, 17, 12, 14, 9])
  ->pipe( ArrayAverage::do() )
  ->pipe( 'convertInt' )
  ->pipe( function() { return Piper::input() + 5; } )

This will print :


Example 4: without initial set method

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Khalyomede\Piper;

Piper::pipe( function() { return 'test' } )

This will print:


Example 5: using get instead of echo

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$uppercase = Piper::set('test')
  ->pipe( 'strtoupper' )

echo $uppercase;

This will print:


Example 6: using Piper::input() outside a pipeline

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Khalyomede\Piper;

function addOne() {
  return Piper::input() + 1; // Possible via static property (works like a Javascript's Promise)


This will print:


Example 7: inserting "utilities" inside a pipe logic

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Khalyomede\Piper;

  ->pipe('strtolower') // all lowercase
  ->pipe('ucfirst') // only first character uppercase

This will print:


Available Piper methods

  • mixed Piper::input() : returns the input of the last Piper::pipe() or Piper::set(). In other terms, get the last item of you Piper chain.
  • void Piper::set( $variable ) : set the input (available via Piper::input()) with the variable. It can be any variable possible.
  • void Piper::pipe( callable $function ) : use a callback function to be applied to the input (available via Piper::input()). See example above.
  • void Piper::pipe( PiperContract $class ) : use a class that implements the PiperContract interface (see Build my Piper class below).
  • void Piper::pipe( callable $string ) : use a PHP function or a previously created function by you to be called on the input (available via Piper::input()).
  • void Piper::echo() : echo the last input (available via Piper::input()).
  • mixed Piper::get() : returns the last input (available via Piper::input()).
  • mixed Piper::$input : get the public static property representing the input.

Build my Piper class

Follow this steps to be up and runing with your freshly Piper Comunity class and help people do less and better.

Guidelines for Piper Comunity class

We will give you some tips to do the cleanest Piper Comunity class possible:

1 Use Piper before your package name

If you deal with array average, instead of me/array-average instead use me/piper-array-average. This will improve your SEO and help the comunity to see which composer package deals with Piper.

2. Add "-php" in at the end of your package name

You might want to be clear that this github package (and soon this Packagist library) will be available only for PHP developpers so you might want to write me/piper-array-average-php to clearly set the goal of this project.

3. Use kebab case for package name

Instead of naming your package me/piperArrayAveragePHP, prefer using me/piper-array-average-php for a better readability.

4. Use an uppercase and camel case for your class name and file name

A good class name begins with an uppercase letter, and no dashes. An example of good class name would be:

class PiperArrayAverage {}

5. Use camel case for you class file

If we assume you put your class in folder src/, prefer using src/piperArrayAverage.php instead of src/piperarrayaverage.php. This will improves the readability.

6. Precise you are dealing with PHP in your package description

Let the users know, since this description might be visible from Google search results.

7. Use PHP pre-requisit >= 5.3.0

Set up your composer.json require attribute to at least 5.3.0 as the classes will use namespaces. For example, you composer.json could looks like this:

  "name": "me/piper-array-average",
  "description": "Piper Comunity class that returns the average of numeric values in an array.",
  "type": "library",
  "license": "MIT",
  "minimum-stability": "stable",
  "require": {
    "php": ">=5.3.0"
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
  	 "Me\\": "src/"

8. Name your example file getting-started.php

This will let the user instantly know that it can rely on this file to learn more on the usage of your class.

9. Prefer example instead of long descriptive method text

Users want to get quicly started and, mostly on the web, will cease to read if the description gets too long or too broad. Prefer short and explicit example than short descriptives text.

Example step-by-step of how to build a Piper Comunity class

First, let us create a folder whenever you need. Let us name it "piper-add" :

mkdir piper-add

We will enter into this folder :

cd piper-add

Next thing, we will initiate Git repository :

git init

It is more convenient to do a Git init before a Composer init as Composer will then propose us to exclude vendor folder from every of your git push.

So naturally, the next thing you will want to do a initiate Composer :

composer init

Once you filled all the question in the prompt command, Composer will build a composer.json file.

Now, we will create the folder src that will contains piperAdd.php file, your next big community project...

Once you finished this last step, create another folder that will let us try our code. Create a test folder with a test-pipe.php file.

You will need to notify Composer that those files exists. To do so, update the composer.json file at the root of your folder, and add the following lines :

"require": {
	"php": ">=5.3.0"	
"autoload": {
	"psr-4": {
		"You\\": "src/"

So your final composer.json file should look like this :

    "name": "you/piper-add",
    "description": "Piper Comunity class that let you chain addition on your workflow.",
    "type": "library",
    "license": "MIT",
    "minimum-stability": "stable",
    "require": {
    	"php": ">=5.3.0"
    "autoload": {
    	"psr-4": {
    		"You\\": "src/"

IMPORTANT Your minimum-stability should be set to stable to use this library. We will make an effort trying to figure out which composition of requirement is the best for you and us but for the moment if you would like to work with Piper you will need to set it to stable.

Now, in your project folder, use the command line again and type :

composer update

A new folder should have been created : vendor. Besides this folder, another file should also have been created : composer.lock, but do not mind (and do not update it).

It is time to begin the fun : writing your logic. Go to your file src/piperAdd.php, put PHP opening tags <?php, and add :

namespace You;

This line will let the users import your class in their own project. This is why the autoloader needs this line (according to the name you set in composer.json at the autoload attribute).

Then add your class (empty) :

class PiperAdd {

On thing to know is, to works correctly, Piper needs you to implement the PiperContract class. An interface is like a contract that you pass between us (Me and Aminnairi, creators of the library) and you. We will not give you a salary (unfortunately), but it is more like a moral contract : you agree that your class you are going to build should an must include 2 important methods : public static function go( $parameter ) {} and public static function execute( $input ) {}.

do method is called when one of our friend use your class to pipe its logic. For example :

use Khalyomede\Piper;
use You\PiperAdd as Add;

	->pipe( Add::do(3) )
// echo "4"

But contrary as you could think, do does not handle the logic ! It must indeed only returns an instance of your class. We need it to make Piper works well, please trust us ;).

So, you will see a large majority of Piper Comunity class will have barely the same code :

class PiperAdd {
  public static $parameter = 0;

  public static function do( $parameter ) {
    self::$parameter = $parameter;

    return new self;	

Then, your logic will be located inside execute method. This is where you can have fun :

class PiperAdd {
  public static $parameter = 0;

  public static function execute( $input ) {
    return self::$parameter + $input; // The addition is here

  public static function do( $parameter ) {
    self::$parameter = $parameter;

    return new self;

Like you can see, you will need to trust us again, and assume $input parameter of the method execute will be our Piper::input(), in other terms, will be the input of the last ::set() or ::pipe(). This two methods ensure the piping logic.

Of course, you can tweak this base class to add as many other methods as you like, but this two methods should be still present to works correctly. If it is not the case, PiperContract will throw errors.

Hey, but where is this dear PiperContract ?? Dang ! Let fix it :

use Khalyomede\PiperContract;

class PiperAdd {
  public static $parameter = 0;

  public static function execute( $input ) {
    return self::$parameter + $input; // The addition is here

  public static function do( $parameter ) {
    self::$parameter = $parameter;

    return new self;

This is better. But now, as you require a dependency, you need to import it via Use your command line in your project folder, and do :

composer require khalyomede/piper-contract-php

The full result for the src/piper-add.php file should look like this :

namespace You;

use Khalyomede\PiperContract;

class PiperAdd {
  public static $parameter = 0;

  public static function execute( $input ) {
    return self::$parameter + $input; // The addition is here

  public static function do( $parameter ) {
    self::$parameter = $parameter;

    return new self;

It is now time to try our class. To do so, create a file test/test-pipe.php containing :

require __DIR__ '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Khalyomede\Piper;
use You\PiperAdd;

  ->pipe( Add::do(2) )

If you test this file, the Composer autoloader will tell you that it does not know Khalyomede\Piper. To fix it, you need to import it from using :

composer require Khalyomede\Piper --dev

Noticed the --dev ? It is because your developer friend will already use Piper as a dependencies, so you do not want to overload your library with useless dependencies (not that Piper is useless, but you know a little in production for a custom library... Oh my god what I have said... Bare with me I slept 3 hours today).

Now you should be up and runing for your first test. Let us try it out. In your folder, open a command line if you did not and type :

php test/test-pipe.php

You should see in output :


You see this result because you make an addition of the set variable (1) and your Pipe Comunity class Add that add the parameter (2) to the input (1).

If you see any issue or something not running correctly as mentionned in this tutorial, please fill up an Issue and we will try our best to resolve it.

Congratulations. Have fun with it, we hope we can build together a better PHP developpement network that make us be more efficient with this pipe-oriented approach and avoid us re-programming similar logic !

Need an example without parameters ?

Check Piper Array Average Comunity class (PHP) and dive into the code to know how to quickly remove the needs of a parameter.

Need an example with shared properties ?

PiperPHP seems to make shared variables like the one you share in a PDO logic complicated ? Not at all ! Using simple globals variable logic you can build powerful single-connection PDO logic (or any other object than PDO). With the use of defined conventions for naming your global Piper make this a breeze (for the end developper). Check Piper Pdo to learn how to build this kind of advanced comunity class.

Need more ?

Feel free to do a Pull Request and let us know which feature you would like to see the most.