khalyomede / matcha
Unit test library that taste good.
Unit test library that taste good.

In your project root folder:
composer require --dev khalyomede/matcha:0.*
- Example 1: testing if a code returns a string
- Example 2: testing if a value is true
- Example 3: testing if a code returns null
- Example 4: testing the negativity of an expression
- Example 5: testing if a message has been displayed
- Example 6: testing if a variable returns the desired type
- Example 7: testing against a string format
- Example 8: testing if a database is reachable
- Example 9: make the console report detailed
- Example 10: using matcha console command on a single file
- Example 11: using matcha console command on a folder
Example 1: testing if a code returns a string
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('trim', function() { it('should return the same string if the string has no spaces around', function() { expect( trim('hello world') )->toBe()->equalTo('hello world'); }); }); return run();
Example 2: testing if a value is true
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('empty', function() { it('should return true if the string has no characters', function() { expect( empty('') )->toBe()->true(); }); }); return run();
Example 3: testing if a code returns false
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('isset', function() { it('should return false if the variable does not exists', function() { expect( isset($GLOBALS['php6']) )->toBe()->false(); }); }); return run();
Example 4: testing the negativity of an expression
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('array-sum', function() { it('should not return null', function() { expect( array_sum([1, 2, 3]) )->not()->toBe()->null(); }); }); return run();
Example 5: testing if a message has been displayed
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('echo', function() { it('it should display the correct message', function() { expect(function() { echo 'hello world'; })->toDisplay('hello world'); }); }); return run();
Example 6: testing if a variable returns the desired type
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('empty', function() { it('it should return true if an array is empty', function() { expect( empty([]) )->toBe()->aBoolean(); }); }); return run();
Example 7: testing against a string format
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('json', function() { it('should be a valid json string', function() { expect('{"hello": "world"}')->toBe()->aString()->inJsonFormat(); }); }); return run();
Example 8: testing if a database is reachable
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('database connectivity', function() { it('should be reachable', function() { expect([ 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => '', 'user' => 'anonymous' ])->toBe()->aDatabase()->thatIsAccessible(); }); }); return run();
Example 9: make the console report detailed
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; use Khalyomede\ReportLevel; describe('array', function() { it('should merge two arrays', function() { expect( array_merge([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) )->toBe()->equalTo([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); }); it('should diff two array', function() { expect( array_count_values([1, 1, 3]) )->toBe()->equalTo([1 => 2, 3 => 1]); }); it('should shuffle an array', function() { $array = [1, 2]; expect( shuffle($array) )->toBe()->anArray(); }); }); report('detailed'); // or report(ReportLevel::DETAILED); return run();
Example 10: using matcha console command on a single file
use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('abs', function() { it('it should give the absolute value for a positive value', function() { expect(abs(-10 + 2))->toBe()->equalTo(8); }); it('should give the absolute value for a positive value', function() { expect(abs(10 + 2))->toBe()->equalTo(12); }); });
$ bin/matcha example/tests/example-10.php 2018-10-13 18:55:11.628200 ⓘ Running tests for "abs" 2018-10-13 18:55:11.630700 ⚐ 2 tests completed, 0 tests failed 2018-10-13 18:55:11.630800 ⚐ tests ran in 0.0015 sec. (+0.0018 sec.) 2 / 2 ▓▓ 100 %
Example 11: using matcha console command on a folder
Check /example/tests, all the files that ends with .php
. You are not constraint by the extension .test.php
, you can ommit it.
$ bin/matcha example/tests/ 2018-10-13 18:58:05.348300 ⓘ Running tests for "abs" 2018-10-13 18:58:05.351300 ⓘ Running tests for "array_sum" 2018-10-13 18:58:05.351400 ⓘ Running tests for "count" 2018-10-13 18:58:05.351500 ⚐ 8 tests completed, 0 tests failed 2018-10-13 18:58:05.351500 ⚐ tests ran in 0.0019 sec. (+0.0022 sec.) 8 / 8 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 100 %
Full example
This example is intended to show you how can all of these function can be mixed together.
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('trim', function() { it('should return a string when triming a string', function() { expect(trim('hello world'))->toBe()->aString(); }); it('should return a string even if triming null', function() { expect(trim(null))->toBe()->aString(); }); it('should return the same string when triming a string without spaces around', function() { expect(trim('hello world'))->toBe()->equalTo('hello world'); }); it('should return the string without spaces around if triming a string with spaces around', function() { expect(trim(' hello world '))->toBe()->equalTo('hello world'); }); }); describe('empty', function() { it('should return true if checking null', function() { expect(empty(null))->toBe()->strictly()->true(); }); it('should return true if checking false', function() { expect(empty(false))->toBe()->true(); }); it('should return true if checking an empty array', function() { expect(empty([]))->toBe()->true(); }); }); describe('isset', function() { it('should return false if a variable is not set', function() { expect(isset($php6))->toBe()->false(); }); it('should return true if an array is set', function() { expect(isset($_GET))->toBe()->true(); }); }); return run();
Returns a new Expect instance.
function expect($mixed): Expect
require(__DIR__ '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Expect; expect( empty('hello world') );
require(__DIR__ '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Expect; expect(function() { throw new Exception('exception manually thrown'); });
Asserts that we expect the inverse of the test.
public function not(): Expect
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('empty', function() { it('should not return true if the string is not empty', function() { expect( empty('hello world') )->not()->toBe()->true(); }); }); return run();
Asserts that we expect the test to be also type-tested (this will prevent from PHP to perform implicit cast when running the test).
public function strictly(): Expect
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('int cast', function() { it('should return the integer equivalent of the string representation of a number', function() { expect((int) '1')->toBe()->strictly()->equalTo(1); }); }); return run();
Asserts that we are testing an equality.
public function toBe(): Expect
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('trim', function() { it('should return the same string if it has no spaces around', function() { expect( trim('hello world') )->toBe()->equalTo('hello world'); }); }); return run();
Asserts that we are testing an equality against a particular value.
public function equalTo($mixed): Expect
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); use function Khalyomede\Style\expect; describe('implicit cast', function() { it('should implicitly cast the string representation of a number', function() { expect('1')->toBe()->equalTo(1) }); }); return run();
Update the level of report in console.
function report(string $level): void
Available reports levels are detailed
, normal
(by default) and reduced
Reports levels can be used through Khalyomede\ReportLevel
use Khalyomede\ReportLevel; ReportLevel::DETAILED; ReportLevel::NORMAL; ReportLevel::REDUCED;
- Logo by Made from Noun project (modified version of logo is currenctly used, check out the original version)