
Customize modules, variables and permissions for each environment.

2.2.3 2018-06-05 20:36 UTC


The Drupal ENVironemnt personalizER allows you to define macro settings to apply to your site in one command, such as enabling and disabling modules and setting variables.


Extract this repository into any of Drush's searchable paths for plugins:

  1. A .drush folder in your HOME folder.

  2. Anywhere in a folder tree below an active module on your site.

  3. /usr/share/drush/commands (configurable)

  4. In an arbitrary folder specified with the --include option.

  5. Drupal's /drush or /sites/all/drush folders.

See drush topic docs-commands for more details


These can be defined in two different files and only apply to the site directory in which they are defined.

  1. sites/[default|]/drush/env.drushrc.yml

  2. sites/[default|]/drush/[dev.]env.drushrc.yml

Like aliases, in the first file you can define multiple aliases keyed on the definition name such as 'dev,' 'stage' or 'chris.' In the second example you can define each environment in a separate file and prefix the filename with the definition name.

The definitions are formatted as such: # Settings for your local environment. modules: enable: - module_name disable: - module_name

  your_var: your_var_value
  another_var: NULL

	permission_name: 0

  # Using longhand notation.
	alias: @self
	  arg1: arg1-val
	  opt1: opt1-val
  # Using shorthand notation.
    - yes
    - arg1
    - arg2
    - --option1

How to Use It

You must be inside a Drupal site directory or use an alias for these commands to work.

  1. Create a starter file

    drush env-dir --make

  2. See which environments are available.

    drush env drush env-list

  3. Inspect the contents of an environment definition.

    drush env [en-name] --info

    Ex. drush env dev --info

  4. Run the environment settings for a single definition.

    drush env [env-name]

    Ex. drush env dev

  5. Combine multiple environments. The settings for the latter overriding the former.

    drush env [env-name1]+[env-name2]

    Ex. drush env dev+chris