
A Symfony implementation of a role right system.

v1.2 2021-03-22 13:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 21:02:05 UTC


This is a simple Symfony implementation for a role and right system. This bundle gives you a structure to create and manage roles and rights.

The bundle contains the following

  • 3 entities User, KSRole, KSRight
  • 3 repositories UserRepository, KSRoleRepository, KSRightRepository
  • A bin/console command to place the entities and repositories in the src folder
  • Twig functions to handle KSRole and KSRight checking

The bundle does not contain

This bundle does not provide controllers or views. It just provides the functionality. I might include it in the future.


I created this bundle for myself. However I decided to make this package public. If you have any suggestions then you can contact me on this email:

This bundle uses the Symfony Security Component. Without it this system won't work.

You can still use the access_control from the Symfony Security Component. E.g. say you have a backend system that you only want people to access with a certain role / right. Normal users however are not logged in. You can do it like this:

        - { path: ^/backend/login, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
        - { path: ^/backend/*, roles: ROLE_USER }

The User entity from the Symfony Security Component gives all logged in users the role ROLE_USER.

You can also use your own user class. Just replace the one I provided with yours as long as it is still named User (don't forget to relink KSRight with User).


Before you install the package create a config file config/packages/ks_role_right.yaml

    app_directory: '%kernel.project_dir%'

Install the package with:

composer require kevinsentjens/role-right-bundle

Set the files necessary for the system:

php bin/console ks:set-files

Create a migration:

php bin/console make:migration



To check for a certain KSRight in a controller:

public function __construct(KSRoleRight $ksRoleRight)
    if (!$ksRoleRight->hasKSRight('manage-users'))
        throw $this->createAccessDeniedException('You don\'t have the required permissions.');

You can do this in either the controllers __construct() so it works for every route or you can use it in just a single function. The KSRole works exactly the same way. Just replace

if (!$ksRoleRight->hasKSRight('manage-users'))


if (!$ksRoleRight->hasKSRole('SUPER_ADMIN'))

Twig view

This bundle provides 2 Twig Functions and 1 Twig filter

To check a KSRight you can use the function has_right('name of right')

To check a KSRole you can use the function has_role('name of role')

To check if a KSRole has a KSRight you can use the filter KSRole object|roleHasRight('name of right')


This package is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Future ideas

  • Create an annotation to use in controllers instead of the KSRoleRight->hasRight('name of right')
  • Apply for Symfony recipes
  • Provide controllers and views


  • March 22th 2021
    • Changed composer.json. This package can now be used in any Symfony 5.* package (might be changed on a later date).
    • Package is now public.
  • Februari 6th 2021
    • Added method getCurrentUser() so you don't have to use the security->getUser() anymore.
  • Februari 5th 2021
    • Changed things internally for the hasKSRole() and hasKSRight().
    • Removed private function getUserByEmail(). This is not used anymore.
  • Februari 4th 2021
    • Added methods in the KSRoleRight class to get KSRole and KSRight by name.
    • Added methods in the KSRoleRight class to get KSRole and KSRight by id.
    • Updated the ReadMe file.