
Simple notification widget for Laravel ^8.0, ^9.0, ^10.0

3.0.1 2023-04-03 16:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-03 19:50:11 UTC


Notification system for laravel ^7.* : ^8.* : ^9.* : ^10.0

Version 3.0 supports icon, image, layout and theme


First, pull in the package through Composer.

composer require kesty/laravel-notifier

And then include the service provider within app/config/app.php. (Skip this step if you are on Laravel 7.5 or above)

'providers' => [

At last you need to publish configs and assets.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kesty\LaravelNotifier\ServiceProvider"


Insert the following after the opening of tag of your HTML For default bootstrap alert dev, use the following


For Kesty Notify, use the following


Controller Usage

// call the facade class
KestyNotify::info(title, body);
// or as function
kNotifier('Welcome to Laravel', 'Laravel', 'success');
kNotifier()->message('Welcome to Laravel', 'Laravel', 'info');

Test the beautiful custom version like so

kNotifier()->message('Welcome to Laravel', 'Great', null, 'fa-solid fa-check', '/assets/images/avatar.jpg', 'dark', 2);

Ensure you have an avatar image and font-awesome icon is loaded. You can use any icon of your choice, just check the icon argument to any icon you installed in your project.

You can modify /laravel-notifier/*.css to suit your needs. it's a basic iziToast styles.