
A class for storing/parsing valid Hungarian VAT numbers.

v1.1.4 2024-01-29 17:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-29 18:40:21 UTC


The VatNumber class parses a Hungarian VAT number in its local (not EU) format and throws an exception when the number is invalid.

Features (bugs?)

  • It checks validity against the check digit.
  • Provides enums for region and VAT codes. These are used for validation and may help with identification too.
  • The input is only accepted in a single strict format: ^\d{8}-\d-\d{2}$ (hyphens are required, no leading or trailing whitespace/junk is tolerated).



use Kerekit\HungarianVatNumber\{Exception,RegionCode,VatCode,VatNumber};

// Init a valid VAT number
$valid = new VatNumber ('12345676-1-41');

// Display it as string
echo "The VAT number is: $valid\n"; // The VAT number is: 12345676-1-41

// Check region
if ($valid->regionCode == RegionCode::ESZAK_BUDAPEST) {
    echo "The VAT number is related to Northern Budapest region.\n";

// Check VAT status
if ($valid->vatCode == VatCode::AAM) {
    echo "The owner of the VAT number is VAT exempt.\n";

// Trying to add a VAT number with wrong check-digit results in Exception
try {
    $invalid = new VatNumber ('12345678-1-41');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $errno = $e->getCode ();
    if ($errno == Exception::INVALID_CHECK_DIGIT) {
        echo "The given check digit is wrong. Please try to type it again.\n";
    } else {
        echo "Please type the VAT number in the following regex format: ";
        echo VatNumber::FULL_PATTERN;
        echo "\n";
    exit (1);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo "An unexpected error occured.\n";
    exit (1);