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Utilities for importing Drupal configuration.

1.0.0 2023-09-06 14:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-06 18:18:49 UTC


Utilities for importing Drupal configuration.

You may find other uses for this functionality, but it was initially developed for use in update hooks. It's generally assumed that during deployments you will want to run database updates before configuration import, because there is more flexibility in the update hooks. What this leads to is cases where a bunch of ugly code is needed to "rough-out" the necessary configuration that the update hooks depend on.


For example, you may want to populate an article_types taxonomy vocabulary automatically upon deployment. This requires creating the taxonomy vocabulary prior to the term population, if it does not already exist.

Using this config importer, doing so is as easy as the following:

Copy the taxonomy.vocabulary.article_types.yml file into the config/update/8003 folder within my_module. This allows for the vocabulary to be installed with exact/known values, not vulerable to future changes.

Then add the update hook and the population code:

function my_module_update_8003() {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'my_module') . '/config/update/8003';
  $i = Kerasai\DrupalConfigImporter\ConfigImporter::create();
  $i->import('taxonomy.vocabulary.article_types', $path);

function _my_module_populate_article_types() {
  // Add article_types taxonomy terms here.

Additional functionality

To obtain an importer ready to rock and roll, simply call the Kerasai\DrupalConfigImporter\ConfigImporter::create static method. This will create an importer using the necessary Drupal services. Then you may use the ::import method to import configuration by its configuration ID (filename, minus the .yml).

The importer's ::import method has logic built-in to determine if the config being imported is a first-class ConfigEntity or general "simple" configuration. Alternatively, you may call the importer's ::importConfig or ::importConfigEntity methods.