
Generates your CQRS/ES model classes from your GraphQL schema.

v0.7 2021-11-17 21:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-18 03:34:18 UTC


Write your GraphQL schema and let serge generate your

  • Command handlers
  • Aggregates
  • Event types
  • Value objects

for CQRS and Event Sourcing.

Quick start

Run vendor/bin/serge-codegen and notice a default configuration popping into your working directory. Change the settings and run the script again. This will give you a sample GraphQL schema to play with. Use it to define your model and from now on (with both files in place) calling vendor/bin/serge-codegen again will generate class files for you that make up your domain model.

Important! Use Git or another code versioning, because these classes will be overwritten every time the code generator is called. Alternatively you may change the target directory in the config file and carefully copy the classes into place on your own.

GraphQL schema

To make this work, let's start off with the minimum requirements for our GraphQL schema. We will focus on the command side here, so we keep the query part to a minimum. In fact, it is recommended to have another Web-facing endpoint for the query side altogether.

schema {
    query: CqrsQuery
    mutation: CqrsAggregateMutators
type CqrsQuery {
    status: Boolean!

The query part must be present in a valid GraphQL schema, so we define CqrsQuery (you can name it however you want, by the way) as a regular type. To meet the requirement for types to have at least one field, we define status, so we have a simple means of testing if our endpoint is working at all. This can catch quite a few problems like missing dependencies, wrong config paths or just a server instance that didn't come up as planned.

Now for the mutation part, which is covered by another type we named CqrsAggregateMutators (again, you may change that name if you like). When we define this type, we add a field for every aggregate in our model:

Declare aggregates

type CqrsAggregateMutators {
    Customer(id: ID!): Customer!
    Invoice(id: ID!): Invoice!

These fields need a parameter for passing the aggregate ID, so we use id: ID! as a hard-coded convention. The return types of these fields must match their names and are non-nullable, which is also a fixed convention. This way, we now have declared the aggregates available in our model and can now turn to the commands they are supposed to handle.

Define commands per aggregate

So, we define another type for each of the aggregates and add our commands as fields.

type Invoice {
    chargeCustomer(customerId: ID!, invoiceNumber: String, invoiceDate: Date): ID!
    appendLineItem(item: LineItem!): Boolean!
    correctMistypedInvoiceDate(invoiceDate: Date!): Boolean!
    overrideDueDate(dueDate: Date!): Boolean!
    removeLineItemByPosition(position: Int!): Boolean!

The return type follows another simple convention:

  • ID! for factory commands that bring a new aggregate into existence
  • Boolean! for regular commands that mutate an existing aggregate

The field names should be lowercase, because these will be the public methods this aggregate provides.

Define value objects

You may notice, that these commands use both built-in types (e. g. String) and complex, yet undefined ones like LineItem. These are our value objects and this is how we define them as input types:

input LineItem {
    quantity: Float!
    price: Money!
    title: String
input Money {
    amount: Float!
    currency: String!

As you can see, they even may refer to each other forming a complex and flexible type system.

With these steps, we already have defined anything the code generator needs to know for building our model classes, but when value objects can be defined so easily, why not use this mechanism for the domain events as well?

Define event types

interface InvoiceEvents {
    CustomerWasCharged(customerId: ID!, invoiceNumber: String, invoiceDate: Date): Boolean!
    LineItemWasAppended(item: LineItem!): Boolean!
    MistypedInvoiceDateWasCorrected(invoiceDate: Date!): Boolean!
    DueDateWasOverridden(dueDate: Date!): Boolean!
    LineItemWasRemoved(position: Int!): Boolean!

To distinguish between value objects and events, we use interface types here and another convention requires that we group events together based on the aggregates that emits them, which is indicated in the name (aggregate name + Events). This time, the field names start with an uppercase letter, because these will be turned into event classes and the parameters will be the event's properties. The Boolean! return type is just another convention here.

XML configuration

The GraphQL schema above defines the inner structure of our model, but in order to generate actual class files we need a bit more context on paths and namespaces and so on. That gap will be bridged by the file serge.config.xml (the name is fixed).

If you call the code generator the first time, when there is no such configuration file, it will generate one for you. See the quick start for how to get going from scratch.