
2.0.3 2017-07-17 18:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 17:14:09 UTC


A set of useful, framework-agnostic PHP libraries to make life easier

Goal: A set of libraries that are useful, flexible, and can be used within any framework.



Using the composer package manager, In your composer.json file add:

    "require": {
        "kengoldfarb/underscore_libs": "~2.0.0"

Then install it (from the same directory as composer.json): php composer.phar install

Manual Installation

You can either download the latest release or you can just grab the source of an individual library and plug it in to your project.


Here you'll find information and examples about each of the libraries. These examples may not cover all permutations of how a library may be used. For more advanced details please view the source code...hopefully you'll find that the comments are very verbose and easy to understand.

  • Logging: A logging class that also logs objects!
  • Encryption: Simple AES or RSA (pub/private key) encryption
  • UUID: Generate and work with uuids
  • Database (MySQL): MySQL database wrapper class with some nicities
  • File: Makes working with files easier
  • Random: Generate random numbers, strings.
  • ServiceResponse: For API responses to generate consistent json or xml responses
  • Session: A session wrapper to provide additional error checking
  • SSL: Methods to check if SSL is active or require SSL
  • Web Response: Some nice utility stuff like setting P3P headers, sending http status codes, etc.
  • Info: Extract information about a web request


Tests can be found in the 'tests' directory and can be run with phpunit. If you've cloned this repository, you can run the tests...

$ cd /path/to/underscore_libs
$ composer install # The location of composer may differ on your computer
$ vendor/bin/phpunit tests/_CryptTest.php # Run the test
### Logging

The logging library provides are log levels and the ability to log complex objects.

Logs are written via php's native error_log function. The location of the log message may appear in a file, webserver log, syslog, etc. depending on your settings.

Change the error_log setting in your php.ini file to adjust the location.


You can set the following options on the logger:

  • _Log::$logLevel Default: DEBUG

The log level may be set to one of:

  • _\_LogContants::FATAL
  • _\_LogContants::CRIT
  • _\_LogContants::WARN
  • _\_LogContants::INFO
  • _\_LogContants::DEBUG

Once set, any logs at or above that level will be logged. For example, if I set the level to INFO, any 'debug' logs will not be written but a 'warn' log would be written.

  • _Log::$logObjects Default: TRUE

Boolean. Whether or not to log complex objects.

  • _Log::$logEcho Default: FALSE

Boolean. Whether to use php's echo for log messages. Can be handy for CLI scripts.

  • _Log::$useExceptions Default: FALSE

Boolean. Whether to throw an exception if an error log can't be written. In most cases you probably want to leave this FALSE


use _\_Log;
_Log::$logLevel = _\_LogContants::INFO;

_Log::debug('This is a debug message that will not be written because of log level');
_Log::info('This is an info message');
_Log::warn('This is a warning message');
_Log::crit('This is a critical message');
_Log::fatal('Oh snap.  This is a fatal error message');
### Encryption

The Crypt class provides AES and RSA encryption and decryption methods.

AES encryption with PKCS7 padding


_Crypt::_encryptAESPKCS7($textToEncrypt, $key, $cipher, $mode)

$textToEncrypt Required

$key Required

$cipher Optional


More information

$mode Optional


More information

Basic Example
use _\_Crypt;

// Set the secret key
$secretKey = "MySecretKey123";

// The text to encrypt
$textToEncrypt = "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?";

// The encrypted text
$encryptedText = _Crypt::_encryptAESPKCS7($textToEncrypt, $secretKey);

// The decrypted text (will match $textToEncrypt)
$decryptedText = _Crypt::_decryptAESPKCS7($encryptedText, $secretKey);

RSA encryption (public/private keys)

This type of encryption is perfect for situations where you need to encrypt something within an application that doesn't need to be decrypted within the application. In that case you could keep the decryption (private) key off your application server for added security.

Generate RSA Public/Private keypair

Generate a keypair. You can optionally pass in $keybits which may be one of: 1024, 2048, 4096

$keys = _Crypt::_generateRSAKeys();
$publicKey = $keys['public'];
$privateKey = $keys['private'];

RSA Encrypt/Decrypt

$textToEncrypt = "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?";
$encryptedText = _Crypt::_encryptRSA($textToEncrypt, $publicKey);
$decryptedText = _Crypt::_decryptRSA($encryptedText, $privateKey);
### UUID This library provides functions for working with a UUID or "Universally Unique Identifier".

Generate a UUID


$withHyphens Default: TRUE This single option can be passed to the function that controls over whether or not the UUID will contain hyphens.

use _\_UUID;

$uuid = _UUID::getUUID();

Convert UUID string to binary representation

use _\_UUID;

$uuid = '55a0afe6-0e00-4c08-9fb9-7905f0a106b6';
$binaryUUID = _UUID::charUUIDToBinary($uuid);

Convert UUID in binary to string representation


$withHyphens Default: TRUE This single option can be passed to the function that controls over whether or not the UUID will contain hyphens.

use _\_UUID;

$uuid = '55a0afe6-0e00-4c08-9fb9-7905f0a106b6';
$binaryUUID = _UUID::charUUIDToBinary($uuid);

$strUUID = _UUID::binaryUUIDToCharUUID($binaryUUID);

// At this point, $uuid == $strUUID
### Database

Wrapper for the mysqli library. Provides both regular and static class interfaces. In most cases you'll want to use the static interface which will share the DB connection within your application. This helps prevent the opening of uncessary connections.

Public variables

$mysqli For non-static interfaces, you can access the 'mysqli' object directly.

Note: the below examples assume you're using the static version of the DB class. The non-static versions of the functions have the same name without the beginning underscore. I.e. _Log::_query($sql) corresponds to $db->query($sql)


Create a connection
use _\_Db;
$host = 'localhost';
$user = 'root';
$pass = 'mysupersecretpassword';
$dbName = 'the_db';
$port = 3306;

_Db::_createConnection($host, $username, $password, $dbName, $port);
Create a query, escape it, get the number of rows and process the rows
$sql = "select * from users";
$sql = _Db::_escape($sql);
$queryResult = _Db::_query($sql);

if($queryResult === FALSE) {
	// Handle error
	$numRows = _Db::_count();
	while($row = _Db::getRow()) {
		// Do something with $row
Insert a new row into the db and get the resulting id
$sql = "insert into users (name, username) values ('Ken', 'ken')";
$queryResult = _Db::_query($sql);
if($queryResult === FALSE) {
	// Handle error
	$userId = _Db::_lastId();
### File Simplifies the task of writing and reading from files

Regular Methods

  • writeToFile($textToWrite, $filename = NULL)
  • getFilePermissions($filename = NULL)
  • readAllFromFile($filename = NULL)
  • readByLineFromFile($filename = NULL)
  • deleteFile($filename)
  • getTemporaryFileDirectory()

Static Methods

  • _writeToFile($textToWrite, $filename, $permissions = _FileConstants::READ_WRITE_END_OF_FILE_CREATE)
  • _readAllFromFile($filename, $permission = _FileConstants::READ_ONLY)


Some of the methods will allow you to pass a constant specifying which permissions the file should be opened with. The available (self explanitory) options are: _FileConstants::READ_ONLY _FileConstants::READ_WRITE _FileConstants::WRITING_ONLY_CREATE _FileConstants::READ_WRITE_TRUNCATE_CREATE _FileConstants::WRITE_ONLY_END_OF_FILE_CREATE _FileConstants::READ_WRITE_END_OF_FILE_CREATE _FileConstants::WRITE_ONLY_BEGIN_OF_FILE _FileConstants::READ_WRITE_BEGIN_OF_FILE _FileConstants::WRITE_ONLY_NO_TRUNCATE_BEGIN_OF_FILE _FileConstants::READ_WRITE_NO_TRUNCATE_BEGIN_OF_FILE


Read from file
use _\_File;
$fileData = _File::_readAllFromFile('/tmp/myfile.txt');
if($fileData === FALSE) {
	// Handle error reading from file

echo $fileData;
Write to file
use _\_File;
$writeSuccessful = _File::_writeToFile('Here is some text for myfile.txt', '/tmp/myfile.txt');
if($writeSuccessful) {
	echo $fileData;
	// Hand error writing file
### Info

General info and helper class.

Get the user's IP address

Gets the user's ip. This should work behind load balancers. It will first check for the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header for the ip address. If that isn't set it will use REMOTE_ADDR.

use _\_Info;
$userIp = _Info::_getUserIpAddr();

Get the current datetime in a mysql friendly format

use _\_Info;
$mysqlDatetime = _Info::_mysqlNow();
### Random

Get Random Number

_getRand($min, $max)

use _\_Rand;
$min = 0;
$max = 100;
_Rand::_getRand($min, $max);

Get Random String

_randString($length, $lettersNumbersOnly = false)

use _\_Rand;
$length = 10; // The number of characters in the string
$lettersNumbersOnly = true; // String will contain only letters and numbers
_Rand::_randString($length, $lettersNumbersOnly);

Get Random Character

_randCharacter($start = 32, $end = 126)


$start The ascii character code to start from $end The ascii character code to end at

See for a list of character codes

use _\_Rand;
$randChar = _Rand::_randCharacter();
### Service Response

This library generates json or xml responses in a consistent format.


$objects Any object to be serialized. String, number, object, array, etc. $echoResponse optional Whether or not to echo the response $format optional 'json' or 'xml'


_success($objects, $echoResponse = TRUE, $format = 'json')

use _\_ServiceResponse;
_ServiceResponse::_success(array('hello' => 'world'));

// Result: {"status": "success", "hello": "world"}


_failure($objects, $echoResponse = TRUE, $format = 'json')

use _\_ServiceResponse;
_ServiceResponse::_failure(array('reason' => 'server error'));

// Result: {"status": "failure", "reason": "server error"}
### SSL


### Session


### Web Response



This project will follow the guidelines set forth in Semantic Versioning;


Author: Ken Goldfarb
