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Easy ownership for Eloquent Models on Laravel 5

1.4.0 2016-08-07 10:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-11-04 08:48:23 UTC


Easy ownership for Eloquent Models with Laravel 5.

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Ownable provides a simple solution for associating owners (most likely User models) to individual models.


  • Compatible with Laravel 5
  • Configurable
  • Auto associating the authorized user by Laravel on creation as owner
  • Changing owners
  • Eloquent relationships
  • A phpunit test suite for easy development


Installing Ownable is simple. Just pull the package in through Composer.

    "require": {
        "kenarkose/ownable": "~1.0"


Just add the traits to the model which you want to become ownable and customize if neccessary.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Kenarkose\Ownable\AutoAssociatesOwner;
use Kenarkose\Ownable\Ownable;
use Kenarkose\Ownable\Contract\Ownable as OwnableContract;

class OwnableItem extends Model implements OwnableContract {
    use Ownable, AutoAssociatesOwner;

$ownable = OwnableItem::find();

// You may access owner like so:
$owner = $ownable->getOwner();

// or, you may use the Eloquent relation and dynamic property:
$owner = $ownable->owner;
$ownerRelation = $ownable->owner();

$ownable = new OwnableItem;

// You may change and remove owner and persist like so:

// or, if you would like to do these without saving the model you can use:

// You may also verify and check owners

The AutoAssociatesOwner trait is optional and should be used if auto association of logged in user on model creation is desired. In other words, if the trait is used, the model will associate the logged in user as the owner.


You may customize individual models that use the Ownable and AutoAssocicatesOwner traits by adding relevant attributes. The default configuration are as listed below.

protected $ownerModel = 'App\User';
protected $ownerKey = 'user_id';
protected $ownerParentKey = 'id';

All of these attributes are optional and they fallback to defaults if not set.

Finally, if you would like to change the default auto association behaviour, you may do so by overriding the associateDefaultOwner method.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Kenarkose\Ownable\Ownable;
use Kenarkose\Ownable\AutoAssociatesOwner;
use Kenarkose\Ownable\Contract\Ownable as OwnableContract;

class OwnableItem extends Model implements OwnableContract {
    use Ownable, AutoAssociatesOwner;
    public function associateDefaultOwner()
        // Some other logic


Ownable is released under MIT License.