
There is no license information available for the latest version (v0.0.10) of this package.

PHP validator

v0.0.10 2024-03-19 16:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 16:50:42 UTC


🧪 Working in Progress

PHP validation engine

🚀 Blazingly fast
🦾 Type safe
🎨 Custom validators
🧩 Plugin first approach


Require this package with composer.

composer require kedniko/vivy

StandardLibrary Plugin

graph TD
    A[RootType] -->T(Type)
    T --> SCAL(TypeScalar)
    T --> OR(TypeOr)
    T --> COMP(TypeCompound)
    SCAL --> NUM(TypeNumber)
    SCAL --> NULL(TypeNull)
    SCAL --> BOOL(TypeBool)
    NUM --> INT(TypeInt)
    NUM --> FLOAT(TypeFloat)
    T --> ANY(TypeAny)
    T --> UNDEF(TypeUndefined)
    SCAL --> STR(TypeString)
    STR --> FLOATSTR(TypeStringFloat)
    STR --> INTSTR(TypeStringInt)
    STR --> STREMAIL(TypeStringEmail)
    STR --> STRDATE(TypeStringDate)
    SCAL --> STREMPTY(TypeStringEmpty)
    STR --> STRNOTEMPTY(TypeStringNotEmpty)
    COMP --> GR(TypeGroup)
    COMP --> FILE(TypeFile)
    COMP --> FILES(TypeFiles)
    COMP --> ARR(TypeArray)