
Simple Menu Generator

1.3.2 2016-05-31 02:54 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 18:30:22 UTC


Build Status

Menu Generator


Install through composer:

    require: {
        "kebir/menu-generator": "dev-master"



//Given this list of menus
$menus = [
    ["id" => 1, "name" => "Menu 1", "url" => "", "parent_id" => 3],
    ["id" => 2, "name" => "Menu 2", "url" => "", "parent_id" => 0],
    ["id" => 3, "name" => "Menu 3", "url" => "", "parent_id" => 0],
    ["id" => 4, "name" => "Menu 4", "url" => "", "parent_id" => 2],
    ["id" => 5, "name" => "Menu 5", "url" => "", "parent_id" => 3],
    ["id" => 6, "name" => "Menu 6", "url" => "", "parent_id" => 1],

//Let's build a hierarchical menus list
$builder = new Kebir\MenuGenerator\Builder();
$menus_generated = $builder->build($menus);

//Check the output
foreach ($menus as $menu) {
    echo $menu->getName() . "-" . $menu->getUrl()."\n";
    foreach ($menu->getElements() as $submenu) {
        echo "--- ".$submenu->getName()."\n";
/** output
    Menu 2 -
        --- Menu 4
    Menu 3 -
        --- Menu 1
        --- Menu 5

If you want to display the menu, the package provides a HtmlListRenderer class that will display the menus using html <ul> and <li> tags. The class requires an instance of Kebir\MenuGenerator\Selector\Selector which is responsible of detecting if a menu should considered as selected.


$current_url = '';
$simple_selector = new Kebir\MenuGenerator\Selector\SimpleUrlSelector($current_url);
$renderer = new Kebir\MenuGenerator\Renderer\HtmlListRenderer($simple_selector);
echo "<ul>";
foreach ($menus as $menu) {
echo "</ul>";

Laravel Users

The package includes a Service Provider and a Facade for the Renderer. Edit the app/config/app.php:


  //Add the service provider
  //add the facade alias
  'MenuRenderer'    => 'Kebir\MenuGenerator\Facades\Renderer'

To use it, simply call the following in your blade template for example:

{{ MenuRender::render($menu) }}

Menu Selection

To mark a menu as selected, you can use the Kebir\MenuGenerator\Selector\SimpleUrlSelector class when creating the menu renderer.

For laravel users, the service provider is configured to include the Kebir\MenuGenerator\Selector\LaravelSelector instead. This will allow you, in the config file provided, to define which entry in the menu should be selected when a page is reached.

This is very useful when the current page is not in the menu but is related to another url which is in the menu. Here is an example of usage for the config/config.php file

return array(
   //To link /users/1/edit to another url /users in the menu.
   'linked_urls' => array(
        '/users/1/edit' => '/users'
    //To link an action to an url
    'linked_actions' => array(
        'UsersController@edit' => '/users'
    //To link a route to an url
    'linked_routes' => array(
        'user_edit_path' => '/users'