
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

dev-master 2014-04-19 22:26 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 13:01:06 UTC


Compare user tweet statistics in Laravel 4

You need to create a Twitter application and create your access token in the developer console.


You can start with composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist to install laravel.

Add kcahir/tweetcompare to composer.json.

"kcahir/tweetcompare": "dev-master"

Run composer update to pull down the latest version of Tweetcompare.

Now open up app/config/app.php and add the service provider to your providers array.

'providers' => array(

Now add the alias.

'aliases' => array(
    'Twitter' => 'Thujohn\Twitter\TwitterFacade',
    'Geotools' => 'Toin0u\Geotools\GeotoolsFacade',

Run php artisan dump-autoload


Run php artisan asset:publish kcahir/tweetcompare


Run php artisan config:publish thujohn/twitter and modify the config file at app/config/packages/thujohn/twitter/config.php with your own information.

Final Step

Go to app/routes.php and remove the default route shown.

Now navigate to the public/ directory in your browser.