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Security component for web applications

v2.3.0 2024-02-17 16:42 UTC


Simple security library for web applications.


  1. Require kavalanche/security.

     composer require kavalanche/security
  2. Create UserProvider. Refer to Custom UserProvider section.

  3. Create instance of Kavalanche\Security\Service\RememberUserService.

  4. Create instance of AuthenticationProvider and inject your UserProvider and RememberUserService into it.

     $authenticationProvider = new Kavalanche\Security\Provider\AuthenticationProvider($userProvider, $rememberUserService);
  5. Check if user is authenticated.

     try {
         $user = $authenticationProvider->authenticate();
     } catch (Kavalanche\Security\Exception\SecurityException $ex) {
         // if you want to allow unauthenticated users, then assign false or null to $user
         // if you require user to be authenticated do as follows
         if (!$e instanceof Kavalanche\Security\Exception\UserNotAuthenticatedException) {
             // put message in flash session and redirect to user form
             // or do whatever your use case demands

    You can specify redirect-path in security.yaml or pass desired path to $_SESSION['redirect-path']. Default is /.

    By default expected login form field names are email and password.

    You can change them by creating a config file named {app_root}/config/security.yaml and setting these variables:

    • login-form-identifier-field for identifier field
    • login-form-password-field for password field
  6. Don't forget to put session_start() at the beginning of your file.

Custom UserProvider

If you want to user different UserProvider, you can create your. It must implement Kavalanche\Security\Interface\UserProviderInterface.

class UserProvider implements Kavalanche\Security\Interface\UserProviderInterface {

    public function loadUser($identifier) {
        // Fetch your User
        // Don't forget which type of identifier you defined in `security.yaml`
        // You can create your own User class (it must implement Kavalanche\Security\UserInterface)
        if ($user instanceof Kavalanche\Security\UserInterface) {
            return $user;

        throw new Kavalanche\Security\Exception\SecurityException('Invalid username.');


You can configure identifier type in your {app_root}/config/security.yaml file by setting identifier variable. Possible values are: email, username.

Remember user

From version v1.1.0 there is a possibility to add Remember me checkbox to login form. This option sets a cookie in user's browser and logs him in automatically.

Default configuration:

  • login-form-remember-me-field: "rememberme"
  • remember-me-cookie-lifetime: 2592000 # 30 days

Password reset

From version v2.0.0 there is a new functionality of resetting user password. You can use it as follows:

  1. Add route to form with email field (configurable)
  2. Check default email template and replace it with your own if needed (password-reset-mail-template in configuration file)
  3. Add route to send email that includes code:
# You must create a service for sending e-mails that implements Kavalanche\Security\Interfaces\MailerInterface
$passwordResetService = new Kavalanche\Security\Service\PasswordResetService($passwordResetRepo, $userProvider, $mailer);

# Form data is handled internally if you use correctly configured fields (please refer to parameters.yaml file)

# You can redirect user according to the output of this method
  1. Add new password handling route that includes code:
# Form data is handled internally if you use correctly configured fields (please refer to parameters.yaml file)

# You can redirect user according to the output of this method

Other informations

  • It's your obligation to ensure that the usernames are unique.
  • You can use this library however you want. To secure the whole application or just some routes.
  • You can add multiple roles to each user. Simply assign an array with roles or permissions with $user->setRoles() setter.

To do

  • Implement some kind of request abstraction to encapsulate Requests (symfony/http-foundation?)
  • Add helper to check permissions