
This will send sms to user

v1.0.1 2021-01-02 14:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:29:12 UTC


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To send SMS to a person. KAUSHAL SMS PHP SDK provides the best functionality which we can use in our project. It will reduce your efforts as well as your code.


  1. composer require kaushal/sms
  2. composer dump-autoload
  3. Write your twilio credential in env like "TWILIO_SID=xxxxxxx","TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=xxxxxx", "TWILIO_NUMBER=xxxxxx"
  4. Use the package name in controller like "use use Kaushal\Sms\SendMessage;"
  5. When you pass the number make sure you pass it with country code
  6. Pass phonenumber & msg in this manner to the package name like "new SendMessage($phonnumber, $msg)"



KAUSHAL SMS PHP SDK is licensed under the MIT License.

Note :

This package is under the MIT license. If anyone wants to contribute, please fork it. We will highly appreciate it.