
This is a package for karls!!!

1.0.6 2022-11-24 08:02 UTC


These functions are helper functions for our company.


(string $dateString, bool $strict = true): string

This function transforms any given string which contains date information to a valid german datetime.

string $dateString

This is the date string which has to be converted.

bool $strict = true

This boolean decides if there should be an exception, or an empty string as return value.

return string | Exception

In case of invalid data there will be an exception or an empty string in non-strict mode.


result: 01.12.2022 09:00

($dateString = 2022-12-01 09:00, $strict = true)


(int $length = 30, bool $errorProtected = false): string

This function generates a random string with specific length and if needed error protected. This means, all ambiguous chars aren't included.

int $length = 30

The wanted length of the generated string.

bool $errorProtectes = false

This bool decides if there has no ambiguous chars in the random string.

return string | Exception

In case of invalid data there will be an exception.


result: "4A65ushf4HzIUrw"

>($length = 15 && $errorProtected = false)


(int $period): array

This function calculates the years and months of a given month amount.

int $period

The amount of months to calculate with.

return array

This array consists of the amount of years and months calculated as numeric array [year, month].


result: [4,11]

($period = 59)