
A very lightweight CakePhp plugin to make your models automagically indexable by Elastic Search

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dev-master 2013-05-18 16:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-15 13:37:57 UTC


A very lightweight CakePhp plugin to make your models automagically indexable by Elastic Search

Just install the plugin and attach the Bounce.Indexable, … and voila ! It's the simplest plugin to easily get your CakePHP hooked with Elastic Search.


Via git

clone git://github.com/kamisama/bounce.git path/to/app/Plugin/Bounce

Via Composer

Just add kamisama/bounce to your require, in your app composer.json.

Load the plugin

Load the plugin into your app by editing your Config/bootstrap.php

CakePlugin::loadAll(array('Bounce' => array('bootstrap' => true)));


You can edit the connection info to your elastic search server in Bounce/Config/bootstrap

Configure::write('Bounce', array(
	'host' => '',
	'port' => '9200'

Then attach the Indexable Behavior to your model

public $actAs = array('Bounce.Indexable');

The behavior offers a few options :

  • index (string): specify the index name of your model, default to main
  • type (string): specify the type name of your model, default to your model alias
  • mapping (string): specify which fields you want to index in elastic search, default to false, will index all fields.


class Song extends AppModel

	public $actAs = array('Bounce.Indexable' => array(
		'index' => 'music',
		'type' => 'song',
		'mapping' => array(
			'title' => 'string',
			'track' => 'integer',
			'length' => 'integer'

The behavior will then only index the title, track and length fields, all the other field will be ignored. The values are used only for the mapping.

You model will automatically indexed on save, on update and on delete.


This plugin does not offers search function, it just index your models. If you want more advanced and complex indexing functions, check out the other plugin by kvz.